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Capt Hungry

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Everything posted by Capt Hungry

  1. BoBe-Patt has a rather...........bouncy.........avatar.
  2. The Final Countdown............. The flight scenes in that movie are excellent. It will be interesting to see what if anything is included. Did anyone ever read the book? Read the book afore I saw the movie. The movie actually stayed fairly true to the book.
  3. Motoko was transplanted into a girls body at the end of the first movie................. Or so I remember.
  4. I dig the fact that I can now find anime at reasonable prices. I remember paying $34.95 for a one episode VHS tape for Bubblegum Crisis.
  5. Not yet. I am sure that there will be one eventually. Also, who here likes Dark Ages? I'm not real sold on it yet. I was hoping for a more desolute future and had the novels slowly rebuild the Inner Sphere then the very improbable set that we got. Also as much as I like Mike Stackpole's writing, did we need to see Victor Steiner-Davion again. Stackpole has a hard-on for that character like you wouldn't beleive. That just really bugs me. I read that book just to see what was going on and I don't like the direction that Whizkids took. I would much rather go back in Inner Sphere history and see books talking more about the early days of the Star League. Also, I've always thought that a trilogy or something about The Galtor Campaign might be fun. I know it's just one of the sourcebooks, but................. And I absolutely couldn't answer any of those questions and I have read all the novels, save for two.
  6. Wow, Message From Space! I still remember the first time I ever saw that! Cheese to be sure, but good fun.
  7. Only anime related thing that I got was the first Gundam 0083 DVD. Was pretty psyched about it though...........
  8. I have not yet.......gonna wait until issue 11 is out.
  9. 18% for me..............
  10. There is a mention of the movie at IMDb.com and I know that I read something somewhere. Gerry Anderson has made it clear that he wants NOTHING to do with the movie. And if those toys are any indication, it's gonna be PAINFUL watching the movie. WTF!??!! TB2 looks like it got stepped on............yeesh.
  11. Erumm, Dave.... It says NEWTYPE in the bottom left corner Working on converting this now fellas.... Gimme a bit. So it does................. DOH! My only excuse is that the monitor I use at work is crap and I wouldn't have noticed that. Thanks for pointing that out Andy!
  12. OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Yes please! Aegis, where did you find that pic?
  13. Haven't seen ZOE much, have we? Vostok 7 Apparently I have not. Guess I'll need to then.
  14. Is there something oddly phallic about that? Nice drawing BTW.
  15. Amazing strike valk and I really dig the low vis! Did anyone notice this: 1/144th VF-17's anyone?
  16. Wow! The detail is AMAZING for something soooooooooooooooo small! Excellent, excellent work!
  17. Behave young man or I'll call your mother. By the way, could I really be the oldest of this crowd ?... GULP ! Nay, sir, you are not. I am 36, and I have 5 1/60 Yammies, 1 reissue 1/55 and 1 complete loose Jetfire in good condition. I'm still the oldest here... God damn Guess you are then, aren'tcha......................mind is the first thing to go............... . . . . . . . . What was I talking about?
  18. Behave young man or I'll call your mother. By the way, could I really be the oldest of this crowd ?... GULP ! Nay, sir, you are not. I am 36, and I have 5 1/60 Yammies, 1 reissue 1/55 and 1 complete loose Jetfire in good condition.
  19. This thread just continues to grow! Great work guys!
  20. Nice work!
  21. Very true Drifand, very true.
  22. I just read 8 and 9. Have to admit to being slightly confused about how Kusanagi fits in to all this. Have to think about this now..........
  23. I was expecting the DYRL version for some reason......... Fantastic work though!!!!!
  24. That'd be nice and all this unedited one hopes....................
  25. ATI is still pretty much on top at the moment, but Nvidia's offerings are nothing to sneeze at. According to Pricewatch.com, a Radeon 9800SE w/128 from Sapphire Technology can be had for $155 w/ free FedEx shipping at Newegg.com. Sapphire makes good, stable, reliable cards. The 9800 is clocked slightly higher than the 9700 and uses slightly faster RAM. I don't know what you'll be able to find locally, so perhaps there is a place that might have a better deal. If I were to upgrade from my GF4 Ti4400, I'd more than likely get at least a 9800. Sapphire's Product page
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