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Capt Hungry

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Everything posted by Capt Hungry

  1. Very cool!
  2. I have two of Rodrigo's prints and they're just gorgeous! This is his VF-0S print.
  3. Great work! I recall seeing other 1/55 customs here back in the early Aughts.
  4. So very cool!
  5. Beautiful work! And a nice tribute to your father.
  6. Already have enough models I haven't built.........but I like the look of the Super Messiah!
  7. Bottle looks like a squid.
  8. Nice job! I've been thinking about doing mine in Navy training colors. Just for something different.
  9. I am hoping some of our more esteemed model builders might see this as I need some advice. Back in the early Noughts, I picked up Unifive's beautiful Gatchaman God Phoenix. I had it out and on display until a cat got up on a shelf and knocked it off. The resulting 5.5ft fall from the shelf caused one tailfin to snap off and broke the pins that hold the wings in place against a L bracket within the body. I tried last night to finally see if I could fix the wings. I attempted to bend the L brackets slightly to hold the wings in place, but without the pins, the wings still just flop around. I thought about things some and since I don't know anyone who can weld, is there any sort of bonding agent that would weld diecast metal? I will post some pics later on tonight when I get home.
  10. Just found this over at Whatifmodelers.com: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php?topic=35533.0 These are all 1/100 Valk kits. Really cool paint schemes and the first valk is a nice custom job with flaps, canopy open and a ladder! Great work here.
  11. How did I not see this thread until now? I always like seeing someone do something other than the standard paint scheme to a valk. That is amaze balls!! It's very hard to tell just how real the model is.
  12. Nice find. Maybe someone with good Photochop skills could clean that up some.
  13. Got mine yesterday!
  14. I was thumbing through the wallpaper thread and noticed that someone had already posted this image! Always late to the party...............
  15. Love the Frontier flavored pics! Will be adding a few of those to my collection of wallpapers and general pics.
  16. I am inclined to agree.....given what we've seen in the series. But I like the idea of the pic.
  17. I visit this site: http://conceptships.blogspot.com/ every couple of weeks usually and today as I was going through the site, I ran across this; http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2013/emmanuel_shiu/emmanuel_shiu_10.jpg I have to imagine that this is what might've been seen when the SDF-1 first crash landed on Earth. I don't recall if I've ever seen any other Macross related stuff, but you will see a VF-1S valk and the SDF-1 at the very bottom of the page usually.
  18. I backed them. I never got around to getting the remastered DVD set, so a BD set will be nice. I still have the original VHS clamshell cases that include lyrics to all the songs. The tapes themselves were different colors too.
  19. Very nice work. I finally got one myself.....not sure when I'll get round to building it.
  20. Pre-ordered 1 (and hopefully more VF-11s will come in too).
  21. I'm glad someone pointed out the nose length. In the pic below the shots of Kawamori looking at the model, the nose the VF-25 appears to be so much longer. Still, no matter what, I am looking forward to seeing the final product.
  22. Wow. Excellent find! The detailing is phenomenal, especially for such a small scale model.
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