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Everything posted by khannataun

  1. These two models look amazing, I hope there will be some improvement like this one:
  2. I'm gonna build a cardboard legioss prototype, using the 3D model I have drawn. It might be bigger than a 1/33 model kit, but I don't know exactly the scale yet. The landing gear will be printed in 3D, they have to be strong enough to support the weight of the legioss.
  3. Hi everyone, I've built a new shoulder in 3D for those who would like to replace the old ones. I'll update this topic when I finish building the arm and the rest of the shoulder
  4. Hi Captain, what kind of wood do you use to make this toy?
  5. No, but I think it's easier to build new whole shoulders with tlhe missile hatches in 3D for this toy. Here is a raw sketch of the 3D model I'd like to make:
  6. Thanks 505thAirborne More progress pics added I took my inspiration from the f15-eagle airbrake to build this part.
  7. Hi everyone, It's been a while since my last update. I was very busy the last two weeks, but here we are again! I've upgraded my legioss by adding an retractable airbrake. There is still a lot of work to do in detailing it and making it look more realistic...
  8. I'm building a new hand too.
  9. Hi everyone. Here is a tiny update : the stabilizer is finished . It can be moved easely
  10. Thx Exo The left arm reactor was too far to the right. That's why I cut off the plastic part near the left vertical stabilizer and I glued it to the opposite side. The arm looks much better now
  11. The left engine is almost done. Gaps will be filled with tamiya putty . I've also built a new wing with styren sheets and a 1 mm steel wire.
  12. VFA engines WIP: What u need: a 20 ml syringe( a saw to cut it, I used a 30 cm metal saw ) putty drills
  13. My second project: Build a variable alpha legioss resin kit (approximately 10 inches high for the battroid mode ) The right leg and landing gear prototypes were build with cardboards. I will make the real ones with plastic cards. Landing gear deployed Landing gear retracted The leg's design has been refined,it looks better than the 1/45 legioss : I like it.Softline design... B))
  14. :o whaow...the FRX-0's design is freaking awesome.
  15. Thx 505thAirborne, Most of these modifications will be available on shapeways.
  16. I ended the knees much faster than expected I drilled 2 holes in each knee and plastic sheet before driving the screws . Then I sanded the top and the bottom of each parts. Knees comparison: before and after/ front and side view
  17. The knees have been modified. I added and glued some plastic sheets to make my legioss much taller than the original one. I 'll finish them tomorrow 'cause I used a bi-component epoxide glue.
  18. Hi everybody, I'm back! I've spent the last two months designing my new scratch build project : a 30 cm blue legioss. The toughtest parts to design were the cockpit and the landing gear. This photo is one of my first sketches I drew 2 months ago. The fingers I've made for my 1/35 legioss were too big. So I have to draw and to print them again with the correct size.
  19. No problems have been encountered concerning the fingers: they are all mobile!!!
  20. I've created my own legioss articulated hands too. That was tough... I have also built a more elaborate version of these fingers
  21. Yeah sure. This one is awesome. I tried to build new wings with plastic sheets , but it didn't work...It was too complicated That's why I decided to build these parts using meshlab.
  22. Is there someone who could help me build my legioss wings? I've began this project with google sketchup Is there someone who could help me build my legioss wings? I've begun this project with google sketchup
  23. chest WIP 2: I cut and glued tiny plastic cards to build parts for the lower chest. Even if it has been a long and very difficult process putting these parts together with tiny screws, I'm quite happy with the result . I took 6 pics of the chest's transformation mechanism. Step1 (armo fighter) Step2 Spet 3(battroid mod)
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