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Lupin The Third

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Everything posted by Lupin The Third

  1. I used them once for the YF-29 reissue and I received my product. That said I will never use them again. To begin with they are just about the only seller, and I intentionally use the term seller not company, that requires payment up front on pre-orders. CDJapan requires this on international preorders as well...but they're quite literally the first company in Japan to focus on exporting CDs, LDs, DVDs and they've been around forever. When Anime Export finally shipped my Valk they sent me a tracking number for Sagawa...well great, but Sagawa doesn't operate in the US. After multiple e-mails requesting valid tracking info, to which they first insisted the tracking was correct, they finally informed me that Sagawa partners with Fedex and only brings the freight to the US. It then goes to Fedex who makes delivery. Fine, so what was my fedex tracking number? That they could not provide me with, so I had a tracking number that showed a package leaving Japan and that was it. Finally it showed up, but at no point was I able to track it's progress once it left Japan. It arrived in a reused box (for dry food product iirc) that had been poorly cut down to fit the valk size and stuffed with, quite literally, trash. Old newspaper, unusable flattened air packet plastic, and the like. I was incised. Not only was my item packaged with trash, it was not packed to protect all sides of the item! I have NEVER received an item packaged in such condition from HLJ, CDJ, Amiami, JList, Amazon Japan (which a friend forwards for me), or any other vendor I have ever used! I honestly cannot recommend them at all. Others may have had better experiences but I do not trust AE and I will NEVER use them again, even if they are the only option. And I use the term seller in referring to them, rather than company, because they conduct business like some guy working out of his basement rather than as you would expect from a vendor who Bandai actually allocates limited product to. I would think they are going to fit, but they might be visually too dark given the dark coloration of the CF. Wonder if they'll have a different version like they do for the YF-29 vs YF-29 30th?
  2. I'm wondering if NY is actually going to makegood on all these...it seems like everyone is ordering 2-3...how do they have this much stock? Or are they just substantially well known compared tothe other shops? http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/
  3. I really wanted both sets for each but passed given the bonkers way the supply dried up last year when most of us got BBTSed on the VF-25S. Bought the super parts for the 25F since I got that one but since the likelyhood of getting a 2nd 25F for the Armor and even a single 25S at a fair price went away over night I saw no reason to have parts in a box that I'd never touch. Haha...just looked and BBTS still has armor parts for both VF-25s. Poor guys....they are never going to sell through those unless they drop then to <$50. As to the drama I agree, even though a lot of folks think I'm the cause of it. I actually did well last night. But I completely feel everyone's pain who missed out; I'm still missing the 25S, 25G. But even though I got some preorders last night I really do not want to stay up all night refreshing web pages for hours on end in hopes of being fast enough to get in a preorder during a 45 second window of time. I also don't want to have to check a webforum every day twice a day to see if there is a chance that something is going on sale or just went on sale. It's absurd and this really isn't how customers should be treated. I think we all have reason to be frustrated with the way these releases continue to be handled. And we still have the RVF, VF-27, and Vajra releases to look forward to. I made a joke in some thread a while back about the RVF already releasing and that the only people who got them had to endure a Bandai Bukakke Party and then fight Yakuza...it was just a joke like the one I made a few pages back but somehow that one avoided tinfoil hat accusations...well I'm here to say "Leave my tinfoil hat alone! It's a good hat and it doesn't mess up my hair!", lol. Though sometimes it does feel like knife fighting a Yakuza might be easier than this process...just maybe, lol.
  4. Haha. You like me, you really like me! Free Valks for everybody! Actually maybe I can finally trade for the VF-25S I have been yearning for...yeah, right. Lol.
  5. Shoot me a PM at release if you don't get one. I have 5 on reserve across a couple retailers and would gladly pass 1-2 on to fellow forumers in order to keep them out of the hands of the scalpers.
  6. Hey where do we get the stand see in every other promo shot. I thought it was included for some reason.
  7. Ummm....so everyone else here can blow their top over Bandai's bullshit but not me, nor can I joke about their horrific treatment of customers...got it, thanks for the clarification. F*$^ head.
  8. It was a joke asshat. Though please explain to me how they conduct business in any manner which even remotely makes sense.
  9. Nope. Don't you know Bandai are the scalpers. Hence.... Bandai gives amiami, hlj, cdj, etc 10 units each, creating a false demand with instant sell-outs, and they sell off the rest on the side. It's the new way to do e-commerce!
  10. Got mine today. Went through Chicago customs, cleared in a single day. Initial thoughts; very small but beautiful. Guess I'm just more used to the old 1/48's. This is the first 1/60 I have that has come out of the box so the size surprised me a bit. Looks like my question got lost in the pile of "LA Customs is the suxorz!" comments on the last page so I'll ask again.... I've seen that a couple of you guys have done panel lining on yours and it looks great. Any suggestions for a relative noobie who wants to do the same. Is there a tutorial online, thread here on the forum, etc that I could reference. Also saw mention of a Gundam pen/pencil(?) a few pages back...would that be the best way to go?
  11. Agreed. I almost had a 171 at amiami and couldn't check out fast enough. And I buy a TON of stuff from them and can speed click my order through without even paying attention. All of my scores tonight were elsewhere. Probably not even going to refresh amiami next time.
  12. I was paranoid earlier when I had to do some laundry and feed the dogs... Could not agree more.
  13. So weird. They update the listing then pull it without a single sale, or at least that's how it appears... I don't think they lied so much as were completely unprepared for the digital donkey show they just received.
  14. That's what I'm figuring. It's just weird that they updated the listing for the yf-29 when they knew everyone was trying to get one (along with the 171 cf) and then took it down without taking any preorders from the looks of it.
  15. I inquired this in the other thread but I'll ask here as well. Did anyone get anything from HLJ? Or did they not even show up to the party. From what I can tell they posted their listing straight to order stop and then removed it all together for the YF-29 and didn't even list the VF-171 CF.
  16. Did anyone get anything from HLJ? Or did they not even show up to the party. From what I can tell they posted their listing straight to order stop and then removed it all together for the YF-29 and didn't even list the VF-171 CF.
  17. Still one available http://www.cdjapan.c...EY=NEOGDS-79185 Must be bogged down...still shows one as of 15 seconds ago...
  18. Still available at CDJ! A counter just popped up...2 units left. Get em fast! Now only one....
  19. Umm...is anyone listening VF-171 CF IN STOCK at CDJ! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-79185
  20. VF-171 still at CDJapan. Get em while you can!
  21. Your firend is getting a bill for my time if this doesn't work out, lol.
  22. Well these guys have been abundantly available since before release if you were willing to double a scalpers money. Maybe enough of us resisted the inflated prices that Bandai realizes no one will be buying the super pack if they don't reissue it for another 5 seconds or so? Random thought....but I really wish Max Factory had the Frontier license, or any Macross for that matter. I'd gladly pay $300-400 for a Valk made like the real thing like their Big-O....
  23. Mine are coming tomorrow, cleared customs earlier today. I've seen that a couple of you guys have done panel lining on yours and it looks great. Any suggestions for a relative noobie who wants to do the same. Is there a tutorial online, thread here on the forum, etc that I could reference. Also saw mention of a Gundam pen/pencil(?) a few pages back...would that be the best way to go?
  24. They removed it from the searchable links.
  25. They took it down hours ago, which does lend credence to the claim it is going up tonight. But I would still like to know what legit source is claiming this. Stayed up last week for the VF-171 CF and that was a bust in spite of the all-knowing forum vibe that it was happening...
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