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Lupin The Third

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Everything posted by Lupin The Third

  1. Actually if you look at my posts on this page I wasn't attacking Bandai or even complaining about them. I was clarifying to IXTL about his somewhat snarky comment that "if you're keeping up, you'd know that it was coming". I think everyone here qualifies as "keeping up" just from being here and keeping abreast of the news. IXTL also made completely inaccurate statements about solicits to retailers. Bandai is NOT taking solicitations from retailers, they are simply informing retailers of their exact qty regardless of how many more the retailers want. If they were actually taking solicitations these items would be available for preorder for an extended time, just like the VF4 or any recent Yamato release. Obviously IXTL has never run a business and worked with vendors or he would have understood the difference. If you actually READ my posts you will see I was not attacking Bandai. I was merely pointing out that IXTL's comments were wrong and douchey to boot. Please reread them before making inaccurate statements about me. If you need help perhaps you should consult this source to help you improve your basic reading comprehension skills: http://www.superteac...prehension.html So now that we have learned to read and comprehend what has been stated maybe you should go back over the last two pages and see that I wasn't attacking Bandai in any way. I guess the "worst" thing I said was..."And Bandai isn't sending out solicitations for these; the unfulfillable demand clearly indicates that Bandai is informing retailers exactly how many they are getting and the preorders sell out almost instantly. This is different from the VF-4G where Yamato did in fact take solicitations for preorders thus it was orderable for quite a while." OMG....I said there's unfulfillable demand for their products...oh the horror! As you can clearly see, now that you've had your 5th grade reading comprehension review, that I was comparing the differences between how Yamato is operating, wherein a web exclusive limited item can be preordered for several months, and the way Bandai operates, wherein items can only be preordered for ~1 minute or so per vendor. If you consider this attacking Bandai then you need to again review the reading comprehension exercises at the above link.
  2. What is the amazon special offer? I only see their generic preorder price guarantee. Also is this going to be any good? I haven't seen any hands on previews and from everything I seem to recall the last two PS3 endeavors were pretty bad...
  3. Has Yamato ever hinted at a reissue of the Double Nuts and/or Bird of Prey? I missed them when they released and picked up a BOP, but the Double Nuts is hands down the coolest of the YF-19s actually made into toys in my opinion. But no one ever has one for sale....or they want something insane for them (last one up on Amazon Japan wanted 120,000 yen).
  4. Black Jack's Rival Dr. Kirico just announced.... Pricing is way better at BBTS than Amiami though I borrowed their pics.
  5. Never Never Land? Just kidding. I would really like to see them go Destorid bonkers this year. I missed out on the previous ones since I wasn't collecting at the time and would love to see a reissue plus the missing units.
  6. So basically what I'm taking from this is that you guys think it's cool that HLJ allowed orders of up to 10 from folks who want to scalp even though most forum members missed out....I guess I have nothing else to say here. I've never heard anything so stunningly stupid from the same people who crap a brick when they can't preorder a frakking toy. You guys get what you deserve and I'm just going to lauch every time one of you bitches like a little girl becuase you didn't get your new toy. To those of you who didn't get one I'd let HLJ know your dissatisfaction at the email address above or the same will happen with the VF-27, RVF, Vajra, etc. For those of you who think this is some "conspiracy" I apologize for even wasting a second trying to help out fellow collectors. I have my 5 units on reserve (2 of which I will be trading here at release so an actual fan gets it rather than a scalper) so I guess that's all I should care about. Sorry that I tried to help you guys out.
  7. Obviosuly they did not say, "why yes we sold 12 batches of 10 to scalpers and 10 additional units individually to actual customers". I have no idea what the distribution on these actually was and obviously HLJ isn't going to give out those specifics. My point is that, unlike in the past where product was limited to give everyone a chance to buy, they completely opened it up to scalpers taking most of the inventory by allowing such huge purchases. I only sent the email inquiring how they handled the orders since everyone in the 171 CF thread was going ballistic about what a bunch of BS it was that they allowed up to 10 units to be purchased, and virtually no one had gotten in a preorder. I actually thought they were wrong, and that HLJ did in fact limit qty as with previous releases. I was actually trying to clear HLJ's name becuase I thought there was no way a reputable company would allow such large purchases that would encourage scalpers to get most of the stock. Then they confirmed to me that they did in fact handle the preorders that way. It really is only common sense that many forum members here who couldn't get in a preorder last night were screwed by this absurd, pro-scalper handling of the preorders. HLJ could have filled many orders for customers here but instead ensured that these same customers will have to buy the units off ebay for twice retail. Wow....that's great customer service! I actually have my preorders in, so I'm not pissed as you claim. But it is insulting to me, and everyone else, as a customer that a company would go out of their way to take a product that they know is limited and being scalped at absurd prices and open up sales in a manner that benefits the same people who have halped make this such a difficult and frustrating process. There's no conspiracy in that, if anyone is wearing a tinfoil hat here it is you with your complete obliviousness to the scenario that HLJ created with their sloppy handling of the preorders. I do not blame HLJ for what happens after they sell a product...that would be the same flawed logic that wrongly claims gun store owners cause firearm deaths. That simply is not true. However HLJ could, without even going out of their way, try to make sure that the bulk of the stock isn't bought up by the scalpers and instead actualy goes to their regular customers. Great customer service when conduct preorders like this? Wow...I'd hate to see bad customer service.
  8. Agreed. NY's current prices are almost close to the max for what these will sell for even after release (notice that there are no shortage of VF-25S available, and NONE of them sell for the prices asked on ebay) I was literally going to bed, suddenly had a vibe that I should check HLJ and a couple other places. Then in a panicked rush got my preorder in on my phone (my laptop was shut down at the time). Seriously....Macross Senses Tingling!
  9. The suggestion was made a few posts back that HLJ should cancel any of large qty orders and reduce the item count to 2-3 and reopen orders so actual customers can make a purchase. My suggestion is that you guys and gals let them know how infuriated you are with the way they handled this and that they should do exactly that to give everyone a fair chance at purchasing rather than all the stock going directly to scalpers. products@hlj.com scott@hlj.com Even if it makes no difference this time maybe they will reconsider if folks are angry enough regarding how they handle furture release. And certainly NOTHING will change about this fubar system unless you directly let them know your dissatisfaction instead of just posting on a message board.
  10. Obviously. But at least places like CDJ and Amiami are limiting to 1 per customer so that everyone has a fair shot at getting one. "Don't buy it"? Don't buy what, that HLJ allowed up to 10 to be purchased by scalpers just like they told me they did....ok, lol.... I'm not saying they would have lasted much longer if limited to 3 each. I'm saying it would be fair and RESPECTFUL to the customers to actually have a slim chance in hell of ordering rather than HLJ directly servicing scalpers. You're missing the point. The point is HLJ just made alot of folks pay $300+ on ebay by putting these in the hands of scalpers by allowing such a high volume qty. Instead they could have actually put some of those Valks into the hands of the actual consumer and made just as much money as selling them to the scalpers; but at least they would have taken care of their actual customers!
  11. I posted this in the VF-171 CF thread but thought I'd put it here so everyone else could see. Last night there was some debate as to whether HLJ actually allowe purchases of up to 10 of the Valks.... Stunning. I thought these guys had a little respect for the consumer but I guess not. I will be doing my very best to never purchase from them if an item is available elsewhere from this point on. EDIT: The suggestion was made in the other thread that HLJ should cancel any of large qty orders and reduce the item count to 2-3 and reopen orders so actual customers can make a purchase. My suggestion is that you guys and gals let them know how infuriated you are with the way they handled this and that they should do exactly that to give everyone a fair chance at purchasing rather than all the stock going directly to scalpers. products@hlj.com scott@hlj.com Even if it makes no difference this time maybe they will reconsider if folks are angry enough with furture release. And certainly NOTHING will change about this fubar system unless you directly let them know your dissatisfaction instead of just posting on a message board. EDIT: Not posting again after this but wanted to clarify something. I DO have 5 on reserve across multiple vendors, I would prefer to get the 3 that I want from a single vendor; hence I tried to get my orders in with HLJ last night. I would also prefer not to pay over retail (my NY preorders) or CDJs overly high shipping. Had I gotten three units at HLJ I'd have dropped my other preorders, knowing that they are one of the most dependable and three were what I want. I also fully expect, with the way these preorders have run thus far, that someone will not come through with one of my orders. I already mentioned, on Tuesday I believe it was, that if all my orders actually did come through I would look to either trade the couple of extra units with a fellow forum member or pass them on at my cost. The fact that this makes me a bad guy now is astounding; especially given that I'm just trying to point out that if we are vocal to HLJ about their preorder process they might actually reconsider the way they do these orders and more of you would have gotten a preorder last night. Sorry I tried to help, I won't bother with this thread again. Moderators feel free to lock or delete, or everyone just keep attacking me if that's what everyone prefers....whatever.
  12. Here's my response from HLJ..... I am stunned. The fact that they sold almost all of their stock to scalpers is reprehensible and I will do my very best to never purchase anything from them again if it is available anywhere else.
  13. Up at Yesasia http://www.yesasia.c...-0-en/info.html though even more then NYs price.
  14. Yes I understand how that can happen. Let me clarify what I meant. back in November when HLJ had the Bandai clearance sale they had the Soul of Popy Swordfish II from Cowboy Bebop on sale for 3,840 Yen, less than half it's regular prince of 8,000 yen. I wanted to buy 6 of these (several as gifts and a couple for me); there was no limit on stock and the default pull down menu allowed up to ten to be added to the cart. However when you went into the cart it would reduce your qty to 4. If you went back and added more it still reduced your qty to 4 in the cart. I placed my order and the item was still in stock afterwards so it wasn't like I was fighting for units with other customers. They continued to be in stock for a couple days after that. Either way I just sent them an email asking for a clarification regarding the Valks and will report back if they reply.
  15. Did the 29 go up just now also? Damn it.
  16. I don't think they actually did. I've seen a few limited items recently that would allow you to select up to 10 but when you actually place it in the cart the qtys were reduced. I do hope this is the case with this release as well, I can see someone wanting a few for themselves but anyone buying 10 would simply be scalping and I would hope HLJ would prevent that. But who knows...I tried to buy three and being bumped down to 1 could be what happened to everyone else or maybe I just got the last one and that's why my qty changed...
  17. Another ~45 second sell out. I decided to do a quick check with HLJ before going to bed. Noticed that it went up as "order stop", refreshed a couple times and it became available. By the time my order was submitted it was back to order stop.
  18. Got mine in! Now I can cancel that price inflated NY order! Maybe not...looks like they are limiting qty. I had three in my cart but at submission it was changed to 1.
  19. Except that the VF-4G was offered directly to multiple shops who had preorders open for extended periods of time, closed them, and later opened up even more. But whatever. Yes we knew the 171 CF was coming, but there was no formal announcement as to when it was going up for preorders; just a webforum-I-heard-it-through-the-grapevine expectation that it was happening when it did. It was NOT up on the Tamashii website, nor sites like Tomopop, Collectiondx, etc that it was going on sale when it did. That's what we are talking about. The fact that if you have a life for more than 5 minutes you can miss a preorder; hence with the YF-29 30th reissue and 171 CF blitz the other night people are understandably edgy about when the other might go up for order.
  20. I think most of us here DO keep up, incessantly so in fact. But the way preorders spring up is insane. And Bandai isn't sending out solicitations for these; the unfulfillable demand clearly indicates that Bandai is informing retailers exactly how many they are getting and the preorders sell out almost instantly. This is different from the VF-4G where Yamato did in fact take solicitations for preorders thus it was orderable for quite a while.
  21. How much did the 25S cost you?
  22. I didn't think you were trolling, so no worries. I saw that too...wasn't it in the VF-171 CF thread?
  23. Haha...I saw this thread at the top and for a moment panicked thinking they'd gone up for preorder and I'd already missed out. Oh Bandai..,how you treat us like $2 whores...
  24. The current set is dark grey/blue for a white valk. New set will be white missles and plating for a dark mech.
  25. Would totally buy three of these! Would also totally go for that massive 1/60(?) prototype Destroid Monster that Yamato showed way back ~2002-2003 that was like three feet long. Sure it'd be $500 but who cares? It's just money, lol.
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