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Lupin The Third

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Everything posted by Lupin The Third

  1. Just out of curiosity has anyone here ever gotten a Chogokin Valk from Hobbyfan?
  2. For a moment I thought you meant Hobby Search, had to do a double take. I don't think they're going to get these; in fact just for fun I just put 899 of those into my shopping cart and their site was actually going to let me check out with that many. I can't imagine Bandai is going to actually ship product to a company that is known for bootlegging products.
  3. Looks like someone beat you to it (unless that was you who got their last one). Ok so the Super Parts (for the YF-29 30th) are 3150¥ and the Armor Parts for the VF-171 were 5040¥, the valks retail for ~14000¥ and the RVF-25 V1 retailed for 17,000¥...so surprisingly that's about the same price point depending on which parts kit. Not bad then, I thought Bandai was really fleecing us.
  4. Well potentially 4 more with the 3 VF-27 variants and the RVF-171...think of all the frustration you still might have to look forward to! I'm not that familiar with the V1 releases, didn't the RVF only come with it's armor the first time around? Is Bandai actually pulling product out of the box this time? With customers as pissed as they already are about availability? If so that's some seriously egotistical testicular fortitude.
  5. I think a lot of folks are just getting even more angered by Bandai's antics than previously due to the fact that Yamato/Arcadia is currently MIA due to the restructuring. We know for a fact that Bandai at the very least has the VF-171CF, the RVF-25, the VF-27, a reissue of the YF-29 30th and the Vajra coming out this year. Contrast that with...well pretty much nothing from Yamato. So basically people are left worrying that while Macross interest is at an almost all-time high, the only Valks coming out in the forseeable future basically can't be bought for less than 2-3 times retail. If Yamato/Arcadia had already announced any combination of a new wave of reissued Option-Parts-enhanced Valks, a new Destroid, a V2 and/or new Valks from Macross Zero, the V3 YF-19, a VF-2SS, or the FB2012 Version of the VF-4G then it wouldn't be so infuriating that the only Valks announced for the first half of this year are from Bandai.
  6. Should they give it up? No. But what they should do is stand aside and not prevent anyone else who wants to play from using the license. They've shown a complete inability to meet demand and I can't imagine another company couldn't do better. Plus Bandai has never made anything as amazing as the Max Factory Big O...imagine that kind of engineering in a Valk. Sure it'd be $500 but it'd be worth every penny AND you'd be able to buy it at retail instead of 3-4x the cost. I do find it funny though how when I joined I was an evil bastard for daring to speak ill of Bandai's inability to meet consumer demand and now we have polls like this. Funny how times change. Guess I'm a trend setter.
  7. Haha....that Ebay scalper I linked to in disgust last night must have not gotten any.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/RENEWAL-VF-RVF-25-Messiah-Valkyrie-Luca-Bandai-DX-Chogokin-Macross-Frontier-F-/321081416127?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D5938814571384507417%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D321081416127%26 ...he closed his auction without any sales. Awww....too bad, so sad. Serves him right for trying to fleece folks hours before these even went on sale, douche bag. Haha, he thinks he's getting $1500 for a set of the Armor Plus Tekkaman Blade figures. What an a$$hat.
  8. Did anyone else actually score one of these?
  9. It was actually up at least an hour before Amiami put them on sale. It's kind of ridiculous that some douche in NY is selling them hours before they go up with no guarantee that he's even getting one and Ebay lets this crap fly. Sold out on HS btw.
  10. The a$$hat$ are already at work.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/RENEWAL-VF-RVF-25-Messiah-Valkyrie-Luca-Bandai-DX-Chogokin-Macross-Frontier-F-/321081416127?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D5930474312772219647%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D321081416127%26
  11. They don't seem to be playing ball tonight.
  12. Yeah, it's weird that no one else seems to be putting them up tonight.
  13. Holy crap I actually got mine! This is hands down the Valk I wanted the most...so I just knew Bandai was gonna screw me. Can't believe I actually got this one.
  14. Count down to Bro-Uppu!!!
  15. I always found it beyond amusing to see what a complete bunch of lying little hypocrites every member of the Japanese media, and Pro-Sony gaming community in Japan, turned out to be after every single one of them claimed that the original Xbox was insulting to Japanese gamers because it didn't respect the small size of their homes and was too big and that's why they hated it. Never mind that LD players were massively larger and that never hindered that format in Japan. Then the PS3 comes out, dwarfing the original Xbox, and all those same voices are totally silent. I don't disagree that Digital will be the way of the future for most users. Doesn't mean that we can't still want to actually own what we pay for, even if in a archive-able digital version like Gog titles. I don't agree however that consoles are too expensive for people to buy more than one and the growth of the industry does contradict that claim. Especially when you look at the fact that these same pro-digital consumers will pay $400-600 every 12 months to buy a new iphone, for no reason whatsoever other than to have the new model. It's hard to believe that people can't/won't afford the cost of more than one game console that they will use for years to come and, presumably, not drop in the toilet and have to replace 3 months after they bought it. Agreed. I do think the "OMG the PS4 iZ almost out. All you Old ConsoleZ are in the DumpsTErZ!" nonsense is a bunch of crap. I have retained every console I have owned since the PSX/Saturn and all of them still work; and I even went back and reacquired a couple of older platforms as well. In fact the only one I've had real problems with is the 360. I avoided all the disc read error days of the PS2 by buying the games I wanted and sitting on them until I picked up a couple units last year. Notice too that the NEWER machines are shittier made than the older consoles we are supposed to throw in the dumpster. But the new ones can stream your replays! OMG the FeatUREZ!!! Sadly this is the result of the "me" generation; all the braindead, nothingness-filled little drones who think that everyone and their grandmother wants to read every tweet, watch their webvids, and read their blog about how they had a huge turd today. I don't dispute that there is a market for catering to these folks; I'm just not a part of their crowd and never will be. If you want to keep going we can, but why you chose to PM me this I'm not sure. I'd rather debate this in the forum or not at all. I actually don't have cable or satellite; years back I lived in an area without cable and after doing so will never go back to having "boob-tube" content at the ready to waste my time and interests on. I have plenty of films that I own on multiple formats, you realize that actually supports my points and not yours, right? I still have a ton of my old VHS collection, I find them fun to have displayed in my collection and there are some titles like some of the Streamline Pictures anime releases that were never available on LD/DVD and their dubs were FAR superior to the current crop of anime dubs (which is why a lot of studios have picked up the Streamline dubs to include on their own version of a title they later licensed). I still have my entire LD collection. I still have every DVD I have ever purchased. Notice that unlike paying to stream a movie on Xbox or PS I PERMANENTLY OWN all of these. Aside from damage or me not properly preserving them they are mine; they can never be removed from my possession via revocation of use rights by a digital content provider. Digital is nice, it's cool that you can watch stuff online. But that's apples to oranges when you try to compare digital to permanently archive-able, physical content. So again your point actually aids my arguments. As to the OSes; l actually almost exclusively use Win XP still and the last couple laptops I bought I wiped the drives to remove Vista and installed XP. I have lost a lot of respect for MS in the last few years with what they are doing with their OSes and the sole laptop I have that is running Win 7 will be replaced with Linux when I have the chance (I am just now beginning to look into Linux based on a recommendation from a friend.) I see what you are getting at, OSes are "use rights", or at least they are in the last few years. This is kind of a disingenuous argument on your part as most people only need to install an OS once, or it comes preloaded. Really not the same as a game that you SHOULD be able to own forever if you so wish. And you can simply not play ball with M$'s new totalitarian licensing structure with things like Linux. As to your Mac comments I owned a G3 and will never touch a Mac again. They really are machines made for idiots who need big pretty buttons on their screen, and like to pay $100 a year for a new OS which is actually all the updates that they should have been receiving for free all year long. Also I only used iTunes once, downloaded a single Album (ES Posthumous' first album) discovered that, at that time, you couldn't do anything with it aside from use the iTunes player and furiously uninstalled that piece of crap and will never buy anything that Apple makes ever again. So yes, in response to your implications, some of us actually do talk the talk and walk the walk. If you love digital so much, as you seem to, why do you care? Go on your way and leave us silly collectors alone. When you look back in 20 years and wonder where the tens of thousands of dollars you spent on games/movies/tv went with nothing to show, while I have a collection that has accrued in value, you can look back on this and remember how right you were at the time about how wonderful use-rights digital content really is.
  16. Didn't say that PC hardware was the same as Console hardware. Honestly I'm not even sure why you are arguing with me. So far you haven't contradicted anything I've said, all of which was a response to GU-11's similar sentiments about digital. As to my "sheeple" comments...clearly those have struck a chord with you. People buying games off GOG aren't sheeple as they are actually buying games. People who are buying avatar items, people who buy apps that only work on their current phone (which they will drop and break in 2-3 months), people paying for "use rights", the guy who finally pays $50,000 for peter molyneux's "Curiosity" DLC...all those situations are Sheeple. If you find yourself offended by that, well, honestly...tough. It's really stupid to pay for digital content you can't preserve. But if it makes you happy...well I have some Soma for you to take your mind off such troubling matters as what happens to your real world money when you turn it into digital nothingness.
  17. Me too. I missed her the first time around so I was glad to get her at retail price. I'm also really pleased that I finally got Velvet from their previous game Odin Sphere. I've been trying to get Velvet for years, had all my previous preorders cancelled when not enough made it to the US market during the first two releases to meet demand.
  18. Wow...way harsh Tai. Actually I did. In fact the review on CollectionDX.... http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/oz06ms_leo_and_leo_option_set ...was what convinced me to buy. Silly me for not going all the way back to their first Robot Spirits review from 2009 to see a size comparison against a AA battery. I was just surprised by how miniscule these were, it's not like the publicity shots or even the images on web retailers even give a remote hint as to how small these are. But whatever, I'll just stick them in a box for two years and then sell them off to buy some Valks or something worth while when they're oop.
  19. I'll take any box set, even a Hello Kitty Cutsey-Parts set, as long as I can get the Ozama at a decent price damn it!
  20. I posted this in the Robot Damashii thread but that seems to be deader than Bandai's consideration for the consumer so I'll try here. So I just got my first few RS/RD figures...the Leo, Space Leo, and Tallgeese. Are all the RD figures so damned tiny? I certainly wasn't expecting a chogokin or anything but these guys are like blister-pack sized but 4 times the cost. Am I missing something here? I'm a bit confused about how I just spent $60, for example, on this tiny Leo toy and parts. Anyone else feel stiffed by these? I have a few of the early GFF figures and I'm thinking I may just finish Gundam Wing to have a complete set and then go back to GFF or something else. And I can't even imagine how stiffed I'd have felt on the Space Leo if I hadn't been able to order it for only a few dollars over the Tamashii Web price via Amazon Japan...but to pay what people are asking for on Ebay now...I'd blow a gasket to find out I'd bought a miniature gundam figure for almost the retail price of a Chogokin Valk!!!
  21. Didn't know that I was "ranting" but I forgot that here on MW anything I say is a "ran" and unprovable prattle about predestination and such is intelligent commentary. I think you completely missed what I was saying, obviously you did since you ignored the fact that I praised the way GOG.com handles their digital distribution. I think DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION is great, I think USE RIGHTS are a scam. Personally I am a collector. I highly prize games in my collection like Radiant Silvergun, Metal Slug 3 AES Home Cart, Panzer Dragoon Saga, etc. Do I expect others to go to similar lengths to obtain such a title? Absolutely not, but that's what make me a collector...something I think a MW member would understand. Thus I always want to own my games, rather than rent use rights. That said I do think it is great the DD allows classic titles to be reissued again and again. I LOVE GOG.com, and the best part about it is that i can play a game like Gabriel Knight that originally ran on DOS 5.0 without all the headaches of trying to force it to run on a newer system. There absolutely is a role for DD and I wasn't saying otherwise. And Sony has done a good job with preserving their software legacy through DD and that looks to continue with the PS4; especially with the promise that every PS game ever can be available again through Gaikai. Funny how a 10 year Xbox fan is being accused of ranting when my post was actually complimentary to Sony...oh this forum....
  22. I agree entirely, in fact a friend and I were discussing this same issue earlier tonight. The digital revolution is fine for Sheeple who like to allow others to control their content but I'm fortunate enough to have this silly little thing called free will and I don't believe others are entitled to control what is mine. If I paid for it, then it's mine. Digital, mostly, strips this from you and replaces it with absurd "use rights". Sorry but I don't pay real world money for digital nothingness that can be revoked whenever MS, Sony, Nintendo, Steam, etc decide to. Just about the only digital content I buy now is through GOG.com since everything is infinitely redownloadable, constantly updated for newer OSes, and I can burn the game installers to a CD/DVD and preserve it forever. I also find myself playing a ton more on my older consoles recently. Maybe that's because they quite literally don't make games the same anymore. And by "anymore" I mean the way they did all of 5-7 years ago. And games like Symphony of the Night or Panzer Dragoon literally don't have a place anymore because they're crafted with heart, rather than crafted to sell insultingly-priced DLC packs. As for the new stuff next gen, most of it will get ported. MS has especially shown that they can't hold a single title exclusively and I've tried to warn for years that it's going to backfire on them. My favorite game this gen was Alan Wake...AW2 is headed to Xbox 720/Durango/Nextbox/FUBox or whatever they want to call it....but why bother? Ms will claim it's an exclusive and at most a year later Remedy will self publish it for PC just like the did with AW & AW:AN. I actually do see Sony doing a way better job next gen of having exclusive content given the way they've gradually lured developers back after the disastrous PS3 launch and MS taking the lead. And before anyone claims I'm hating on MS let me clarify that this "hater" currently owns a Halo LE Original Xbox, 2 of the Crystal Limited Xboxes that were released in Canada, the LE Clear Black Japanese Launch Xbox, a White 2nd Anniversary Engraved Xbox, I've been on XBL since the Beta testing, and I would own 5 Xbox 360s were it not for the fact that 4 of them have died and I'm down to the RE5 Edition 360 being the only one that still works. I really can't see myself supporting MS next gen though I might eventually go for a PS4 if they keep up with the original/exclusive content the way that have the last two years or so. In the meantime I'm planning to buy one of the new White PS3 500GB models for Macross 30, Okami, Ni no Kuni, Ico Trilogy, Beyond, Toki Towa/Time & Eternity, Deadly Premonition DC and some older games like Folklore, Heavy Rain, No More Heroes, Valkyria Chronicles, and a few others that I should have already played.
  23. No but I just preordered this.... I don't even follow Queen's Blade but that is a freaking awesome statue and it's in 1/4.5 scale!
  24. Ok I am seriously stunned that not one toy manufacturer nor Sunrise/Bandai/Production IG are doing ANYTHING to commemorate the 25th Anniversary. I really expected to see something at Wonderfest, though there were some very nice looking garage kits that I'll most likely never be able to track down nor have the skill to properly assemble and paint, but otherwise....just nothing. The first OVA series ever to be successful enough to turn into a TV series and no one is even taking note of the anniversary that's all of two months away. I thought maybe Wave, Yamato, or Koto would at least do some reissues with the Anniversary Logo stickered on the box (ala the Macross 30th) or maybe even a new toy (SOC Ingram or more Yamato 1/24s). I know it's not Macross but damn...in fact now that i think about it in many ways it is a much better series than Macross given that the quality of all the shows/movies/ovas were consistently good (except maybe Movie 3 which fell apart a bit at the end). You look at Macross and it's complete hit (SDF/Plus/Frontier) or complete miss (MII/M7)...what a shame that such a great series' only notice is that one of ADV's new companies is reissuing the 1st OVA series in the US though not even playing up the Anniversary aspect of the release. Bummer, guess I'll have to break down and pay those inflated prices for a Helldiver WHAM and Revo since no one gives a damn anymore about this great series...
  25. Sorry to bump such an old thread but since this is the "official" one I thought I'd inquire here. I just purchased my first few figures, the Gundam Wing Leo, Space Leo, and Tallgeese...and I am stunned by how small these figures are given the price. Are they all this tiny? I certainly didn't expect something like a Chogokin or 1/6 scale figure but these are almost like cheap blister pack toys. I am stunned by some of the prices I've seen the OOP ones going for given the pieces I just received. Heck even the prices for the in print ones seem exorbitant given their scale.
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