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Everything posted by Lupin The Third
...Needs to not be a pissy little bitch if he is in fact the one they're worried about. He, and EVERYONE ELSE WHO WORKED ON SDF, could have done Macross II but they didn't want to. Honestly it does irritate me that it took so long to get to MII and then Plus. All the original showrunners acted like they were too good for Macross for such a long time. Then they come back after MII reinvigorated interest in more of the franchise, even though it was a bit of a disappointment, and they crap on it and claim it's an alternate reality unconnected to their work. Bunch of hypocrites, they'd probably have never worked another day on a Macross franchise had MII not come out. HOLY GRAIL!
I'm actually grateful to amiami for pissing me off so bad; because in doing so they got me hooked on HLJ's amazing Private warehouse system. Sure most everyone else will combine an order or two, or even the releases from a single month, but no one has a setup as efficient at the PW. It stuns me looking back at old orders how much I was overpaying for shipping because everything for the most part had to go piecemeal from AA. The 60 day setup is great also, especially when something comes out at the end of a month you can sit on until the start of two months later. If I wanted to clear out my PW right now it'd be $60 for shipping the 10 figures I have on order. With AA I'd have to pay $35-40 just for the 4 Space Adventure Cobra Figmas, and easily another $60 or so for each of the other sets of figures I have being held. Which is why I don't even care if something is $5-10 more at HLJ. I can pay $60 to ship it all today or could have paid ~$160 for AA to piecemeal it to me. In the end the total price tends to cost less with HLJ if you build up you PW stock. Plus I'd rather pay $5-10 more for an item and be treated like a human being, rather than AA's belief that I'm a servant that answers to them. Oh my lord, I caused the "world's largest figure shop" (which I don't believe to be even remotely true) to overstock an item! Oh the shame! Oh the dishonor! Certainly they'll go under because of my two items, and not their snarky attitude or their complete lack of customer service! When you pay for service you get quality service, when you bargain-bin shop you get the left behind droppings...I tend to think that collector's should be treated with a little bit of respect given the prices we pay for this kind of merchandise. If I was some kid peeing his pants in a toys-r-us while tearing open a blister-packed GI Joe I could understand AA's snarkiiness. But when you're buying 200+ toys that's a different subject. So I'll pay $10 a pop more for my 6 Detonator Orgun Riobots at HLJ knowing if there's a problem it'll be fixed and most if not all of the price difference will be made up in the combined shipping. Anyone not using the PW system yet should really do so, you will be very pleased with the way it works and the vast savings you will make on shipping if you buy lots of figures.
Agreed. If you can't get them now don't jump for scalper prices as Bandai finally seems to be getting stock under control. Look at this nonsense.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/BANDAI-DX-Chogokin-Macross-Frontier-VF-25A-Messiah-Valkyrie-General-Machine-/130939820724?pt=TV_Movie_Character_Toys_US&hash=item1e7c9f1ab4 ...as long as no one feeds this troll then he'll be selling his for 14,700¥ at release. Speaking of trolls... Right because I caused them stock maintenance problems because of two figures that I overlooked the payment requests for out of $3000 spent with them last year. Two figures that when I received order cancellation notices I immediately requested a reinstatement of the order so I could make payment...yet Amiami had already resold them, thus I wonder how stock problems could even apply, and would not assist me. They chose to sell the items to someone else before even allowing me a chance to correct the oversight. I don't know why I'm even responding to you, you are such a troll it hurts. All you do is spout mental dribble; do you even think before you post? Of course not. I love your thinly veiled implication that I wasn't civil, in fact I was both that AND was highly insulted that they sent me harassing emails over two orders they cancelled and wouldn't let me pay for! Seriously, go spend $3000 with a company and then have them send you nasty, and I do mean NASTY, rude emails over $75...oh wait, you couldn't even afford to spend that much given how I see you bitch and moan about prices in the various thread. Why don't you crawl back under the moe-hentai-pedo rock that you scurried out from under and go back to the pervy anime figure thread where you belong? And I'm not going to even entertain your absurd implication that you have civility, those who do have something don't have to brag about it, those who don't...well... Feel free to spout whatever further mental dribble comes to your inane mind, but I've blocked your posts so I won't have to see any further nonsense from pedo-meo-boy so you won't be getting a response. The troll can go crawl back under pedo-anime-girl-rock and die now.
I've actually always liked HLJ; in fact my first ever direct from Japan import was with them; the massive MSIA Dendrobium Gundam. I just fell out of import shopping for several years and went with Amiami for a while since they were the only ones who had the Thunderforce V Shooting Game Historica ships available when I was trying to find them. In the beginning I thought they were great but their behavior towards the end of last year simply stunned me. When I first told them to piss off and cancel all my preorders they didn't respond, just kept sending me payment requests as new items that I was now buying at HLJ or elsewhere became available. Finally they sent me another nasty email to which I again stated I would not do business with them anymore and if they kept bothering me I would post my story, and all the emails with them, on MW and other collector's forums that I'm on as well as their company facebook page. They finally got the clue. Then they closed my friends account because he was, unknown to me, trying to send me a b-day gift via them...so now it's on! Lol. I just haven't had the time to compile the whole sordid affair into a concise version yet but at some point I will and I'll do exactly what I told them I would. Isn't social media grand?
I actually got mine elsewhere. I don't shop with Amiami anymore, they're a bunch of aholes and sent me guilt trip emails over two ~$75 items that I missed paying for last year (mostly just an oversight on my part), I had even requested that the two orders be reinstated when this occurred and they couldn't be arsed to bother. So after spending ~$3000 with them last year they started sending me emails about how I was "hurting their ability to run their business", maintain stock, etc. I laughed at them about how I can somehow run my businesses and maintain stock properly but they can't do the same and yet they're supposed to be the "world's largets" online figure shop; told them to piss off and I'd never do business with them again. They have truly rotten customer service, should have known the first time I opened a box and saw the stupid little "we won't help stupid gaijin if there's a problem" notices that they throw in the boxes. They even deleted a friend's account entirely because, after I told them to piss off, he wanted to send me a gift and when he updated the address of the item he was buying me to come directly to me they cancelled his account! He didn't know anything about my beef with them until then, and they deleted his account because I told them what a bunch of shitheads they are...PATHETIC, HORRID, PUTRID excuse for a company. I will never do business with them again and I discourage anyone else from bothering now whenever the chance comes up. Meantime I've moved everything over to HLJ; so far I've purchased 200,980¥ worth of product from HLJ since January and have another 518,662¥ worth of items on order...all of which Amiami could have kept but instead they chose to be dicks because they cancelled two orders on me that I still wanted to try to pay for. Absurd.
Fire them and give their jobs to someone who won't bitch and moan for being able to feed their families. Unions are such bullshit; even with over 70% of the govt economic "Stimulus" money being illegally funneled into unions they still want more. Unbelievable the world we live in...good luck dealing with that nonsense.
Given that this went from completely unknown before Friday (unless I missed a previous announcement, please correct me if I did) to presold Monday morning I can imagine a lot of WTF moments in the next few days for more casual collectors.
Alright let's start the wagers on NY's first marked up price....I guess 16,000¥
Understood. It's a bit much for a company to expect you to prepay on something 4 months before it releases.
All the folks saying "good night I missed out"...ummm CDJ still has them....and they do limit to 1 per customer. Well someone paid attention, the last 2 just sold out.
Especially since anyone who missed out was probably competing against one of NY's buyers.
Agreed. It is hands down the worst process possible. CDJ still has 2: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-90706
That's the only problem with them is the shipping is about 18,000¥ more than the actual cost. It costs 32,000¥ to ship a Valk to the US via EMS, yet they charge an almost $20 premium on the shipping. Really tacky in my opinion, but I guess it's no worse than NY charging actual shipping but $20 extra for a Valk.
If these are anything like the last couple releases everyone will be able to get one by release day for retail. My suggestion...NO ONE go for NY's marked up prices unless it's only ~$20 more than retail. They've already put the RVFs back down to retail price (well about $3 over but so what) and they'll do the same with this release. Plus there's all the people who got one from Amiami and elsewhere to try to make a buck...they'll be selling theirs on Amazon Japan for retail just like the 171Cf and RVF right now.
Got 4 so far. Probably going for 1-2 more for a squadron of targets. Haha! Victory!
Their server just hasn't caught up and removed the add to cart button yet.
Agreed. just paid for my RVFs with them this weekend.
No. Need a proxy or a friend there.
http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-90706 Still in stock
It won't until it becomes available. It will skip the page and go straight to your cart. That's how I got all of mine from them.
I don't do business with them anymore so I will impart my secret to the forum. The only way just about to score one with them is to create your own weblink for the item itself and keep hitting enter in the address bar until it posts into your browser. I have done this for anyone who's going with amiami tonight: http://www.amiami.com/top/cart/cart?scode=FIGURE-000804 Paste that into your address bar and hit enter every 30 seconds or so. If you get a delay leave it alone for a minute and let it finish. You'll still have to be fast on your logins but that's the main way to get one with them.
Wow. That was cool of them.
Last time they went up almost 4 hours ago (I just double checked earlier tonight in the VF-27 thread). I wonder if they got grumped at by Bandai for "breaking street date/time"? It does seem like Bandai is finally trying to turn around the negative impressions many have of them by giving a standard time that these can go on sale and...gasp..actually having decent stock! Not yet.