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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Well damn.........everything I know is wrong. Stupid Marvel Universe. Stupid Google not backing me up. I remember Sgt Fury and the Howling Commandos. Did Marvel do a complete overhaul of everything? Dude, nothing is better than "The Hoff".
  2. If I were some random person that hadn't read hundreds of comics growing up then this would most likely be awesome. I'm not familiar with the Marvel Ultimates universe so you got me there. I'm just biased because of my experience with comics. I think that the least they could do in Hollywood is get the characters right. Nick Fury isn't black, Ang wasn't white, etc.
  3. So I've been looking for something to build a display with and found these customizable hangar kits on evilbay. Has anyone used these before? http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1438.l2649
  4. I've personally given up on all Marvel movies. It's just one slaughtered story after another and it's just depressing. I'll be taking my cribmidget to see it because she loves superheroes but that's the only reason why. I just don't understand why Hollywood takes something that's been working for 50 years and trashes it in the worst way possible. It's like loving the Macross cartoons and going to see the big Hollywood produced movie for the first time and they show you the Southern Cross portion of Robotech. And why the hell is Nick Fury black?
  5. What is special about those Valks anyway?
  6. There is no way I'd ever pay $900 for two Valks. Not a prayer. Ever. The most I've paid is $125 for my VF-1D V.2 1/60 and that was a bit much for me.
  7. I appreciate the input on the Vite Mikeszekely. I'm definitely going to wait and see what else happens with the Vita before I make a purchase.
  8. That was pretty awesome. I look forward to your friends future works.
  9. Worst case scenario, ask me. My wife and I buy a lot off evilbay. I troll the Macross stuff like nobody's business. Not to mention you can always check ebay sellers against the SSL and Blacklist. I see people from this site selling stuff all the time.
  10. Anyone play on the Xbox 360? My friends and I are always looking for more people to play coop games with. We tend to join forces to defend against the evil of the achievements. Next game I'm picking up is Mass Effect 3. I'm also a huge JRPG fan with an epic wealth of knowledge when it comes to those games.
  11. I may pick one up even though I don't have a Valk for it. Can't wait to see some pics.
  12. "Special" would definitely be the appropriate adjective.
  13. Does said band need a drummer?
  14. Thanks a lot CF.
  15. 1/48
  16. What's the difference in Yamato's GBP-1S products. I noticed one is in a darker blue box and one is a flatter kinda white box. Are they the same thing just different releases? Are there a difference in the parts? Does one come with more awesome goodies?
  17. Awesome thanks.
  18. Thanks a lot Dobber. That was much more detailed than I expected and well worth the read. So what do you with the pastel chalk to get the weathering?
  19. I would love to see this conversation at MW Con.
  20. Dobber, what exactly did you use to get those panel lines? I'm going to be building my first model pretty soon and I think I'd like to give that a try.
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