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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Do you have money in your wallet? That's why.
  2. Will it support a 1/48 toy or is this only intended for a model?
  3. It's loose. Missing one piece, no box. Finding out more details.
  4. Would you guy buy a Hasbro Optimus Prime G1 type for $60?
  5. I love the WWII style pin up girls on the front. It gives it a lot of flavor.
  6. It has me curious. HoC and OitNB are great shows so I'll be giving this a whirl.
  7. I'll never have a second kid. To much bad karma.
  8. I feel ya. I want to get rid of my 1/48's and get all 1/60. Then I look at Kicker's collection and think maybe I want to keep them.
  9. I tried to see if anyone answered your question and didn't see a reply so I'll answer. If you're in Japan you just order it through their website (I assume), but if you're outside of Japan you'll have to go through Nippon-Yasan or some other 3rd party who can order it and then ship it to you.
  10. Hahahaha. Some times it is better to be older.
  11. It's an ok start. I guess...
  12. SO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS that Life Force is the Robotech of Gradius?
  13. That's hands down the coolest looking CF ever.
  14. I'd also love to fund this.
  15. Love the "____ better have my money" pose.
  16. How does one do salt weathering?
  17. Ordered mine. CDJ doesn't frack around with shipping charges. I love the color scheme so damn much that I had to buy it even though it's nota hero Valk.
  18. I was just thinking I need to hunt one of these down today.
  19. Is this new? Or the current Bandai one?
  20. What's Citizen Stack running for these days anyway?
  21. I think the G1 colors on the AoE are a vast improvement over the movie colors. The toys are still awful.
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