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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. This guy is very excited.
  2. What's their political platform?
  3. Let's just say I do great recon...
  4. Hopefully it stated something along the lines of "Dear Exalted Exo, May we say we are deeply sorry for our unforgivable inability to bring your genius creation to life. That being said we would grovel for the opportunity to provide all MW 1/48 owner 10 free pairs of hands once we correct the problem that is our fault. We worship the ground you walk on and your feet too...".
  5. Even the Minmay Guard suffered the indignity of having chicken hands. It's truly a sad story.
  6. Thanks for the heads up Shaorin. I'm constantly having to redo my lines.
  7. Bummer I was looking forward to a display of a drunken Roy giving the bird to some soon to be dead Zentraedi.
  8. Depending on which version you get Hikaru comes with it. The first release does have it while the later releases don't. As for where I got mine, a private seller contacted me while I was asking questions about the kit in a previous thread. If you're looking for one with a Hikaru figure I'll ask him if he has another if you're interested. Thanks guys for the compliments and constructive inputs.
  9. I'll have to try the wet toothpick trick next time I screw something up.
  10. Here are the upcoming Noob Vs. Models Volumes.
  11. I'm also interested in hearing about this. Thanks GU-11 for bringing this up. I just got four models in the mail today and may be airbrushing or spray painting them.
  12. I went through ishop2go.
  13. Has anyone received their VF-1D yet?
  14. And now for the unexciting grand finale, the Yamato 1/60 Fan Racer with Hikaru Ichijo. I still have to add some stripes to Hikaru's jumpsuit but the pen I ordered won't be here until next week. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Also I'm open to any pointers from the more experienced modellers here. If there is anything anyone would like to see in Vol. 2 let me know, I'll be working on the Zentraedi Fleet. Thanks for all the words of encouragement and for making me feel like an even bigger and prouder nerd.
  15. BTW, I just got the four 1/20,000 scale enemy ships so this thread will continue.
  16. Seamless.....That's right challenge completed. I only did the bottow though. I didn't want to destroy the top by accident.
  17. I made some more progress on Hikaru. None of my brushes or markers reach into some of the tighter areas so I had to improvise by clipping off a long piece of the sprue and then sharpening one end. Then I dipped it in paint and lightly poked it in the areas I needed painted. The blue scarf and the black hair where it meets the yellow headset are the areas I had to do this at. I'll be touching him up a bit more later. Here's a final pic of how everything is looking right now. I'll be getting my putty in today so I'll be filling the seam this evening. I still need to paint the area where the windshield and cockpit meet but I have to fill the seam first. This is going to be my first time using putty so any pointers would be appreciated.
  18. I also finished the back end that has the fan housing and boosters. This is where I had a big bleeding problem. I had to scratch off the excess orange that ended up on the white with an X-Acto knife and then repaint. I would also like to point out that when using Gundam markers for the first time be careful or this may end up being your dining room table. The wife is so gonna kill me.
  19. Alright time for some updates. Finally started working on Hikaru. I've been avoiding this because of how small he is and if I screw it up, I'm really not sure what to do. I also got most of the small orange pieces painted as well. Nothing special done here just masking and painting. I will say however that when masking make sure any layers of tape are pushed onto each other as tightly as possible or the paint will find a way in there. To help with this as well paint to the tape not away. If you paint starting at the tape it adds to the problem.
  20. I know how you feel. My modelling stuff is in my bondage chamber too.
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