I recently opened up my 1/20000 scale Zentradi ship models and noticed that they can with some small unpainted figures. I got a Hikaru and a Khyron figure. Are those the only 2? Do people collect them? If there are more what other models are they in? Are they randomly placed in the models or are they guaranteed in the one you get?
I agree I'm constantly showing people who have no idea what they're looking at and telling them how epic this is. So many people lack passion these days.
The only thing I have to worry about is my 4 yr old. I've come home and seen her sitting in front of my collection and just staring at them. It's cool that she's interested but it makes me nervous because I have no idea what's going through her head.
Most of the guys I work with are a bunch of Mongo's. I find the occasional closet WOW player, but that doesn't do me any good since I don't play myself. I don't think there's any collectors in my unit at all.
I didn't mean it like that at all. It was more of a what did you learn etc kind of question. I'm brand new to models and customizing myself and I'm all about sharing what I learned as well as my mistakes during a build. The more that us "noobs" share are our combined experiences the better we become with fewer mistakes and at the end of the day it makes for an over all stronger community.