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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Thanks Kicker. I had a lot of time to myself being out of town for 3 weeks. I had them done in about 2 though they still need a little work. I took Derex's advice and bought another model to practice putting on waterslide decals on. These models aren't cheap so I don't want to screw them up. I did manage to get them all for half the typical evilbay price so that makes me feel better. Derex, is the material that the pickle is built out of the kind you can boil for 20 or so seconds making it a lot more managable?
  2. It's only 5 or 6 pieces. A noob like myself could tackle it. It's all about the paint on that one.
  3. Do anyone know if there will be a mass production model of this? Or anything similar? Maybe some of the more famous battles from Op Anaconda with the downed Chinook with Rangers, PJ's, SEAL's, and some Taliban in a small scale.
  4. First things first, get some really nice knee pads, second, get dirt on somebody or save their butt. Well those are at least the ways my old Sgt. used to tell me when it came to getting the nice cooshy FOBbit jobs.
  5. Thanks Keith.
  6. There is one on youtube that was pretty good. Look in the Fan Works Forum section.
  7. I've seen them priced on evilbay from $70-$300 USD.
  8. Sweet. Macross could use a little more color diversity.
  9. That was awesome. When does the rest of the series release?
  10. So what do these even look like?
  11. Where did you get that one?
  12. It's those fine details that really bring this toy to life. Not to ride your jock Cheng, but you really are an asset to this community. Thanks for taking the time to create a tutorial on all your projects and providing inspiration to our own projects.
  13. I'd buy one and teabag it on a daily basis. As for the rest of what I want to say, I think I'll just keep it to myself.
  14. <------Served. I'm watching the last episode of the 1978 BSG right now. That will wrap it up for both series and I don't recall it ever being refered to as the frakking "Beast".
  15. I've never wanted a pickle more in my life... I saw the Gnerl and that thing is just to damn huge. If it was the size of the fan racer then I'd be all over it but the Capt's is bigger than an NFL football.
  16. What's the link?
  17. Beast? And I love the missile pods on the Viper. Who doesn't love spamming missiles besides that baby that consistently punks out Jimmy Fallon in the commercials?
  18. LMFAO! I've never seen or heard anything from Mac 7 but that's damn sure not what I imagined.
  19. We'll see. I'm not getting my hopes up yet. Though from the quality of work I've seen from Exo and Tundrayeti, if anyone can get this done it's them.
  20. I used Tamiya spray paint. I'd walk outside with some newspaper and the piece that I needed to paint, hose it down, pick it up and let it dry in my room. I got some looks but whatever, I was entertained. I've been out ot town for work. Since it was such a long period of time I decided to bring something constructive to do.
  21. Yes they did. Some have small 3 inch figures randomly inserted and an SDF-1. There are two types of stands in the box one so you can display just the ship and another so you can display the ship and SDF-1 or nameplate. If anyone wants to know what colors I used or wants to see the figures let me know and I'll take pics.
  22. I got my eye on that one. I saw one on evilbay but I'm not ready to buy yet. Anyone know if there is a Gnerl model? I think I'm gonna scratch build a head for the SDF-1. It just looks damn retarded otherwise.
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