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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Thanks electric indigo, that thing has been on my watch list since it popped back up.
  2. I'm not sure which is worse, losing someone like RB, or the fact that most of society won't even mourn his loss while people everywhere get upset when a junkie like Whitney Houston or Amy Winehouse dies. Either way goodbye Ray Bradbury, your contributions to humanity will be sorely missed by the intelligent.
  3. I would seriously go banana sandwiches on someone if they touched any of my Macross toys. All offensive options would be on the table to include "Shock and Awe" of the face.
  4. And here we are with the second epic installment of Noob Vs. Models. This threads victim will be ARII's 1/100 scale VF-1A. Now, last time with the Fan Racer, it was all about your basic masking, painting, and sanding. This time I'm going to experiment with some slightly more advanced techniques such as applying waterslide decals, panel lining, and weathering. I have on order some black Promodeller's Wash but it's about 2 weeks out. And as usual, all veteran modeller's are welcome to chime in and share their experience. Since I don't really care about this particular model I'd be more than happy to let someone else pick the paint scheme as long as it's within my abilities. So fire away with your suggestions. I personally was leaning towards the new Alaska Base scheme but we'll see. I can't actually do any priming or painting in the next couple of days because it's hailing/raining/storming out right now and last time I tried to paint after it rained I had to sand it all down, reprime, and repaint. I had no idea that was a bad thing. Oh well, lesson learned and that's what this thread is for. So this what's we'll be working with. Not to complicated, so that's good. First thing I noticed was that the nosecone could be screwed up pretty easy. The way the sprue is connected to the actual piece is going to be a pain in the turdcutter to clip and sand right. On a side note it's taken about 2 and 1/2 hours just to get this single post up because I keep getting sidetracked playing Final Fantasy V.
  5. What does HMM stand for? Also your project looks pretty slick man. Are you going to be selling sets?
  6. It's hard to tell if your kid is going for the Isamu hand pose or is mimmicking the 1/48 chicken hands but either way it's a good sign.
  7. I'm totally getting an education here.
  8. Murphy, that's pretty slick the way you got that set up.
  9. Its always interesting to hear the stories of how one hunts down a collectible or how they gradually build their collection. Keep these stories coming guys.
  10. What do you use for masking tape and do you do anything special when masking?
  11. I waited a while to get them. Everywhere I found them they were always $40 USD minimum a piece. Then one day on evilbay I saw all of them for $80 locally. I watched that auction end like 3 times before it got down to that price.
  12. It's a great display Frogze, please get insurance for it though.....
  13. Benson13

    Macross figures

    Fair enough Jason. I'm not judging, I'm a huge believer of "to each, their own". Just because I don't agree or understand doesn't make it wrong in my book. Travelling all over the world will and seeing humanity at it's finest and at it's worst will give a guy a little bit of perspective.
  14. Frogze, what stands are you using to get all your valks to hang out like that?
  15. That's pretty good work. It has that "official packaging" feel.
  16. I'm digging that grey one. What painting techniques were used for this scheme?
  17. That's awesome. How do you do those super small details?
  18. Benson13

    Macross figures

    As soon as you said tiny plastic women and all I could think of is LA. My father would beat me if he ever thought I was into something like MLP.
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