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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Do you have a price on that cannon yet?
  2. Blang blang! I wonder if the next step is to put 24 inch rims on it?
  3. I'm all giggles.
  4. You just bought the table centerpiece for your GFs bday party. Just keep a taser handy because some idiot is gonna wanna touch it.
  5. What's Mandrakes website?
  6. I really want one of those ghosts but I don't have the money to buy one of the 22's to justify the shipping cost.
  7. I got a 20+ song CD with the complete series DVD I got. I don't know if that's all the songs though.
  8. I will say that either way you're not gonna go wrong.
  9. I read a guys blog on another site and saw step by step what it took to build that kit and that's what convinced me to get the toy. I personally didn't have the skill to risk it plus after the time and materials it would take $300 was worth it. I wouldn't pay $500 for one that's for sure. Put it up on the wanted forum and I'm sure you'll get one for at most $350 shipped.
  10. There's one on evilbay in case anyone reading this wants one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-Gold-Book-1st-Print-Complete-With-Poster-Film-Strip-/221054287297?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3377dcbdc1
  11. That's awesome. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is thrown off by all this.
  12. Hey Kicker, I still have an epic CRATE full of X-Men and Spawn figures that has yet to be revealed too. It's so heavy that it requires a two man lift.
  13. Thanks Tochiro, I really appreciate the insight into the reasons behind the pricing. I'm used to a season of something coming out and it costing $50 or so USD. I'm glad I can be happy with the normal DVD's. I appreciate you taking the time to explain all this to me on your busy morning commute.
  14. I have some really unique aircraft photos if anyone needs something a little different than what's typically out there.
  15. I'm sure they'd sell better if they weren't priced like a Yammie SDF-1. What's the justification for the insane price on all these BD's?
  16. I actually just bought M7 off evilbay and I'm waiting for it to get here. Unfortunately, It's gonna be a few weeks.
  17. Max never was quite happy with the feminine look of his repainted Rau...
  18. I dig the feet. It's like highheels on the left, combat boots on the right. It definitely gives that region on the toy a more aggressive look.
  19. Is this what happens when an Alpha makes whoopee with a VF-19? What is that thing?
  20. But all people are the exact same height right? Soooooo, all planes are the same length then.
  21. I got my wash in and i'll be using it on my current build soon. Thanks for the suggestion.
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