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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I'm glad you and your family are ok. Fires suck. A town I used to live in caught quite a bit of nasty in those big Colorado fires that have been in the news lately. However, good news is with all the pics us Macross fans take of our stuff you can use those to file your insurance claim and get new ones.
  2. I'm really impressed with the crispness of the lines where the body meets the wings. It looks fantastic.
  3. Wow, I'm half way between a panic attack and being overwhelmed with morbid curiosity.
  4. Oh boy, Ron's played this game before. Look out ladies where ever Ron goes it's gonna look like an Axe commercial.
  5. I personally can't wait to wear my "Hi, My Name Is Benson, And I'm A Macross World Member" tag. Chicks are so gonna dig that.
  6. I just happen to want one of those craptastic Bandai 1/65 VF-17S's.
  7. When should we have a solid date so I can buy plane tickets and get a hotel?
  8. Hey Junkie, what version Ozma is that?
  9. Is that anime accurate? Also how difficult is it to get this toy apart?
  10. Where/how did you mount that cannon?
  11. Don't burn yourself out bro. You're doing amazing work. I won't be able to get it all but i'll be buying some key pieces after the Con.
  12. How the hell did I miss the armor pics? I am officially saving for a 11C now.
  13. Isamu: Hey Roy, your shoe's untied. (Roy looks down) Isamu: Dumb a$$ Roy: How do you always get me with that? It's not like we leave this shelf.
  14. I wish I had the money for all those awesome Macross Frontier valks. I do like how Sheryl is leading the charge though.
  15. So where's the pullout shot?
  16. Nope, that's perfectly acceptable. I'd use to clear a building....from the outside.
  17. Gian, there is no such thing as overkill. You either go home after the fight, or they do.
  18. I think I'm gonna add cannons to both of my Rau's. They kinda look naked without it.
  19. I personally think Oct would be better since Sept is as close as it is. It'll give people more time to save too.
  20. Screw it, I'm doing it tomorrow morning.
  21. Man, I am diggin that lilac power paint.
  22. That's pretty cool. I may have to make one myself.
  23. That's frakking sexy.
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