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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Absolutely beautiful.
  2. Thanks bro, I appreciate that.
  3. Junkie, I love your photo takin skills.
  4. Only if the pics are 25 years old.
  5. Don't worry guys, I appreciate all your answers from your varying perspectives.
  6. I concur. Lancer looks extra emo, if that's even possible.
  7. I thought everyone was complaining that the 171's gun didn't extend?
  8. I haven't felt this much hate since my last tour in the Middle-East...It kinda gives me the warm and fuzzys.
  9. Excuse my ignorance but what does that belong to?
  10. Thanks Jardann. I'm trying to get better. I'm still a little hesitant to start the VF-2SS, if for some reason I screw it up I can't afford another.
  11. You're such a stallion Kurisama.
  12. I guess I should consider myself lucky for a change, both Max and Miriya's joints are tight and don't show any kind of issues. Kurisama, I know you got a lot on your plate project wise but have you considered a TV cannon mount instead of swapping out a missile pod? I had a talk with M & M and they said they want the cannon but don't want to sacrifice a missile pod for it. Something about no such thing as enough firepower...
  13. I threw his name into IMDB and here you go.... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0410963/
  14. Ron that is a beautiful piece of work. Also, how did you paint your pilot?
  15. And here we have a nice weathered and panel lined Valk.
  16. I decided that I was gonna slap some Promodeler's Wash on it and this is what I used to get the job done. First is a small saucer with a little bit of water in it and the second is ordinary kitchen napkins. Exciting I know. I then took a biggest paint brush I had (a number 12) and dunked it the wash and brushed it on really thick. After that all you have to do is wait until it dries (about 25 min) and then wipe it off. The wetter the napkin the more you're going to remove. What I did was dip my fingers in the water and then wiped them off on the napkin and it gave me the look I wanted. This same technique worked great on a Bandai V.1 VF-25S.
  17. I didn't get around to it as soon as I wanted to but my daughter and I busted out the Legos and build one. Thanks for the idea buddy it was a lot of fun. By the way, this thing is way bigger than it originally looked so I built it on a Lego board to give it a better sense of scale.
  18. I had to take a break from this one but I'm back at it. I'll be posting some updates shortly. Even though I've messed this one up quite a bit I've learned a lot about what not to do. I have a VF-2SS kit I want to build but wanted to level up my skills first and this is definitely helping.
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