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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Wow Derex, I haven't seen something called so many different names since Robotech.
  2. +1 Boomstick for me. 19 to go.
  3. Is that suitable for work?
  4. Hey Zombie, what's that Frazi from anyway? I don't think I've seen one of those before.
  5. Is it my browser or is there nothing listed in your Exodigital store? I tried on my droid and my work pc and none of them show anything.
  6. I'd do a launcher for $20.
  7. Original Bandai VF-17 $35-65 Origianal 1/60 Yamato Hikaru VF-1A if its a V.1 then about $65 or V.2 $110 Bandai 1990 VF-1S. Box is worn pretty good and stickers were not so expertly applied by an 18 year old self $85-125 Reissue Milla Bandai 1/55 VF-1J $85-125 Reissue Hikaru Bandai 1/55 VF-1j $85-125 These are just the prices as I've seen them ranging from low end private sales to high end evilbay. A lot will also vary based upon condition and shipping. This is just my opinion from what I've seen and it's not set in stone.
  8. Who ever thought of using floor polish to use as a clear coat on toys and models?
  9. I wouldn't, you can always find another red Rau to throw in the box. So.....any word on a new pilot to go in this new Rau?
  10. Thanks for adding that Grave. I won't be spending any more money on anymore X-Men movies. As for paying royalties, I'm not sure they have to worry about that. Stan Lee isn't making any money from all his works according to an interview I saw with him. I don't mind the DC movies to much because I didn't read their books growing up. However, I read the hell out of X-Anything and I just want to pull my hair out. When it comes to the continuity of a movie in relation to the original material, I think I could live with it if Hollywood stuck to 70% of the source material. Unfortunately they only do 30% and come up with the worst crap to fill in the rest.
  11. I still think it should be classified as a hate crime what they're done to the Marvel X-Universe. The comics have sold for 49 years but I guess that's not good enough for Hollywood, they do whatever the hell they want.
  12. It's kind of a toss up from what I've seen. If you get the Rau alone you still have to buy the CMs Miriya and then it's shipping on two seperate items. The one with Miriya tends to be a higher price but you get less Miriya figures. Then again, it all depends on who's selling it.
  13. I bought a VF-0A for $110 about a month ago and I'll be buying an 0S for $120 here pretty soon.
  14. I hate you Kicker....
  15. Junkie, all your valks scream "look at me I'm better than the one you own".
  16. All that needed was an evil villian laugh to go with it.
  17. Promodelers Wash wipes right off with water.
  18. Just give up like I did and take them for what they are. Days of Future Past are an alternate timeline anyway so who knows where they will take this.
  19. Good to hear.
  20. I would never let my wife try and buy a valk for me. I can just see it now "WTF do you mean I have to stay up all night hitting F5?"..... Happy late bday 3D-Brainx. You're lucky to have a wife that lets you enjoy your hobby.
  21. This makes me really regret not picking up that other Rau for $30. FML. Your work is amazing. I know it's not anime accurate but that cannon looks damn cool there.
  22. I dig it. I love the technique you used for the weathering and chipping.
  23. You have VF-0CD? Is that medical terminology? I think I may have it too.
  24. How much longer until we see the pics of the parts all covered in primer? I need my nerd porn and those other pics are playing "just the tip".
  25. What pilots come with that valk?
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