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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. That 19 is fighter only correct?
  2. I hope Alto puts on Starscream's goofy gold crown after he owns him. First Galvatron, now this. When is Starscream ever gonna learn?
  3. Ron, that 19 is straight fap material my friend. I love that gray color. It reminds me of the C-130 that used to haul me around Africa.
  4. I'm digging the added length. It makes the whole design more feasible. With the added length in the arms it actually looks like it could reach out and attack something at a distance. The old Matchbox one didn't have that. It couldn't scratch it's own nose nor attack at range without using it's cannons.
  5. That bottom pic makes it look menacing. I can't wait to see it with some cannons.
  6. Yes. Someone please do that.
  7. I wish I had them to put in my lawn. They would be rigged to shoot the neighbor kid with simmunitions if they got to close.
  8. Just looking for something that I could use to gauge it's size. I'm amazed I saw it at all with all that epic gloriousness in front of it.
  9. That Coke can in the background says it all.
  10. I concur completely. You could post it in the I sat on my valk thread.
  11. So you're saying you guys fragged a Gundam to celebrate the 30ththe anniversary of Macross. Seems logical to me.
  12. Definitely gonna have to start hunting for another Rau.
  13. Going to see this just because of her.
  14. Ok. I'm curious.
  15. I'm really jealous that I didn't get to partake in the bro-mancing.
  16. What's the official name for these? Anyone know if there is an Ozma figure?
  17. Does anyone own any of these that can show some comparison pics?
  18. $340 huh? My wallet just told me to go kick rocks. I can do half that one day, way down the road, when I have a new job, and maybe won the lottery.
  19. I got all happy when I read Graham's post. I love the Zero valks and I need to get some bad guys.
  20. Pretty classy man cave Lynk.
  21. I just landed the whole series 1 set for $29 + shipping. I'm pretty happy about that.
  22. That's EXACTLY what I was thinking.
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