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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Here's the latest update for my second shelf. It's telling me I need a third. Newest additions in this pic are the 11B, 19 Kai, and the small Macross Frontier figures.
  2. Good thing it was you and not me. If I would've gotten a package before a meeting I most likely would've been late or walked in with a toy in my hand.
  3. I'm skeptical about how it's going to be because Hurt Locker was so unrealistic it made my head hurt. Maybe I'll RedBox it.
  4. Benson13

    DX VF-25G

    What do you do with 3 Michaels?
  5. Dude. Paint. Everywhere. I'm gonna have a panic attack.
  6. I'm just going to take this at face value and not compare it to the original. All the X-Men movies and other remakes have been ruined for me because I made the comparisons to the original material. The new look isn't horrible even if it isn't original. ED-209 looks like a Decepticon from the Bay movies though.
  7. Lorn that is flat out sick.
  8. It's like Alto put on Ozma's big boy pants and now he's a man.
  9. Looks like my 1/48 GBP armor will be getting some effects after all. Thanks man.
  10. Couldn't agree more. Love the stand too.
  11. I used Promodeller's Wash. It can be purchased here if you are interested http://www.florymodels.co.uk/.
  12. Mine is still holding up perfectly.
  13. I say go for it and see if it works. I still got a Hikaru figure that doesn't have that sticky feeling but I doubt I'll ever do anything with it.
  14. Well the Zentrans aren't exactly known for maintaining their equipment so I think it works. Kinda like a Jeep, you just don't wash it.
  15. I love what you're doing Zoffy, keep up the good stuff. I think the gunfire effects look great and I've been thinking of making some missile effects for my 1/48 GBP Armor myself.
  16. Ssssshhhhh my first toy was the Matchbox VF-1S toy for the 3 3/4 inch RT line. I ripped that sucker out of the box and was so super excited.............until I realized it didn't transform. Worst. Xmas. Ever.
  17. Don't worry about it, I just increased the magnification on my screen.
  18. Check out this thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37505
  19. Any miniture destroids gonna be in there for an attack pose?
  20. Damn you sneaky fine print.
  21. OOOOOO, you're a pretty one aren't you Hikaru? What kind of kit is that?
  22. Like egos...moving on buddy. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out. I almost bought one but decided to hold off on any more Mospeada purchases in lieu of more Macross toys.
  23. I love it.
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