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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I'd wait it out and see when they release the next system.
  2. Sorry to hear that. You would figure they would have enough guides for the people who pre-ordered them. That's just good business practice. I personally won't get guides because I can't not look ahead and ruin the storyline.
  3. I dont think there was one. Most of that stuff was on the inside of the case. I haven't looked at a manual in years so no worries there. I'll be online on Thurs and Fri. Hit me up, Tag is in my signature.
  4. Is anyone playing Halo 4? I've only played the first two campaign missions and so far I like what I see. The play control is smooth and you can tell 343 wanted this to be a faster paced game. The music also reflects this by urging you to jump in and shoot everything CQB style as opposed to playing the range game and picking off enemies from a far. As with every other installment of the series it's quite a feast for the eyes. All the exterior areas have a grand scale to them always alluding to what's beyond the horizon. Interior areas have vaulted ceilings that make you wonder what else is up there and everything is saturated with Forerunner technology. The new weapons are definitely interesting. I like that you can used either the Battle Rifle or the DMR. You can even customize your loadouts in Spartan Ops to carry two primary weapons if you wanted. The Forerunner weapons great to watch form in your hand once you pick them up and they expand and contract when you reload so that you can insert the new magazine. Spartan Ops I've had some good co-op fun with so far. You can fully customize your Spartan like you could in Reach but the character models are far superior this time. You can unlock and assign equipment packages in a Call of Duty type system. These equipment packages range from unlimited sprint to carrying two primary weapons. I personally won't be actively playing the multiplayer. I love my co-op gameplay to keep things fun while multiplayer tends to just piss me off. All in all, I really like it so far and look forward to some Legendary runs with my friends. Also feel free to send me a friend request if you have a gold account. Always looking forward to playing games with my fellow Macross fans.
  5. You should show some pics of it?
  6. Chen, what is that valk on?
  7. Not as flexible as I'd like but it'll work.
  8. Yes. Check out Anymoon.com for a complete review of just about every Macross toy out there.
  9. I cannot wait to see more of those pods built. I love the size comparison pics.
  10. Do you have a before pic for comparison? One thing I have learned so far is if the Junkie is doing it, it's gonna look great.
  11. Here is what I have so far for my 1/48 missile effects. The frame is made out of paperclips so it's all posable and can be adjusted as you see fit. Let me know what you think so far. Some tips for anyone trying this for the first time. 1. If you have excess used glue whether it's drops or the thin stringy stuff, keep it. You can use it as a filler for any large areas that need to be filled. 2. Have a large glass of water available. Just like in the video but with a wider top to accomodate odd shapes, like say, eleven missiles pointing in multiple directions. 3. Once you get the shape you want dunk it immediately as the glue will start to flatten and settle as it cools.
  12. I'll post some pics later of what Zoffy and I have been working on.
  13. I still need to get one of these. I love capital ships. It sucks that you rarely see them made.
  14. Mark, if you make one of Exedore, make sure you can wind him up so he does his Minmay dance impression.
  15. Extremely impressive Nel.
  16. So there was this guy sitting two chairs over from me today at work and he pulls out his wallet and on it is a freaking pony. I couldn't believe it. I had discovered a real life Brony. I started laughing because I've read this thread so we started talking about it. It was an amusing conversation for sure. We compared our nerd loves and talked about military stuff. Funniest part was that this guy was a Marine and the last place I'd ever imagine finding a Brony. Totally made my day.
  17. Looking for extra sets of 1/48 Super/Strike parts.

  18. Dude, your collection is totally different than mine in every way and I love it. What an amazing display. Everything flows so well and you can tell how much thought you put into it.
  19. Question is, is it powered by the Force?
  20. I just wee wee'd a lil. The guys here in the office are looking at me weird.
  21. All I know of is Hikuro's youtube video. He added English voices to that. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24926&pid=995506&st=630entry995506
  22. Pay one of the 3D guys to make a file of one and then send it to shapeways?
  23. This doesn't sound good me.
  24. I don't even know what to say about that one Kicker. Nerd rage definitely comes to mind though.
  25. I really wish there was a stand that could easily accommodate any scale valk in Battroid mode for dynamic posing.
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