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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Anymoon.com
  2. The death is an instant reset. All the loot stays in place. You'll haveto take me to that cave because I'm not sure where it's at.
  3. For those looking for loot and willing to grind. It works thought I haven't scored any purples yet. http://kotaku.com/how-to-trick-destiny-into-helping-you-farm-tons-of-loo-1635561654?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
  4. How? Are they Crucible bounties?
  5. Titan is where it's at.
  6. I'm having a blast. All are welcome to add me on XBone. Death By Benson
  7. I won't be on until Tuesday evening. I have class I have to attend for work and can't get it at midnight.
  8. Is it possible to put them in a car something else? I'd pack them between mattresses upright with lots of blankets.
  9. Waiting these next few days is gonna be hell.
  10. Shadow Complex is only $5 on 360. I love this game immensely and recommend that everyone give it a whirl.
  11. I would. They're awesome.
  12. What else do you have planned for it?
  13. Also, to my disappointment, Sacred 3 is horrible. They abandoned everything that made Sacred 2 fun. I hope I never learn who the voice actors and writers are. They will be made to pay.
  14. Let me know if you start playing Reach. I loved it and wouldn't mind doing the co-op campaign again. It'll give me a chance to show off my funky green cloud that I saved up for.
  15. Was there a price set for it yet?
  16. Great pics. I can't wait to have this in hand.
  17. Glad you got one.
  18. Finally got mine. Looks amazing. Waaaay bigger than I would've imagined.
  19. Yeti, I wholeheartedly applaud your work. There is finally purpose to all those useless stand adapters that have come with our valks. Not to mention all the flavor you're adding to our displays because of the dynamic poses that we can now pull off. I'm looking forward to seeing all the crazy poses everyone is going to come up with.
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