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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I really enjoyed the episode where they built an entire house out of Legos.
  2. It depends on the extent of the ball busting. If it's just between friends and everyone knows nobody really means it, it can be entertaining. However, if it's people who aren't friends making fun of someone simply because they're different, then it's wrong. Those types of verbal and emotional abuse can cause long lasting effects and that person may carry those scars for life.
  3. I'm thankful this holiday for VF-1's.

  4. You wouldn't happen to know what kind of propeller plane Roy flew before joining the military do you? I saw it a few time in the cartoon but I have no idea what it was. Pretty sure it was the episode where Hikaru was remembering his childhood right after Roy died of an allergic reaction to pineapple.
  5. I got the same pre-order bonus but have yet to see it. Is it only available for the "She-Spartan"?
  6. It does to make room for the bigger, bulgier 1/48 juice. It's science, Google it.
  7. So you're saying I have to send you a 1/48 to work with?
  8. Be sure to share your gamertag so we can send out invites.
  9. Also is it fair to say those stands are easily painted and customized?
  10. So what are the best Gundam stand models to use for our valks? I've never seen any of these stands in person so I don't know how big they are.
  11. No. It was one of those I may or may not know something about something that may or may not happen cryptic type messages.
  12. If that doesn't work eViLbay.
  13. Get the one that you like the most. That's why I started my collection off with a 1/48 VF-1S Roy.
  14. Awesome. Beats the hell out of a $100 Launch Arm.
  15. Some quick thoughts here. I also avoid the boltshot. I think the human shotgun is worthless. I carry one of the scoped mid to long weapons at all times. I rarely use power weapons unless it's on legendary difficulty.
  16. In case some of you have been playing MP just to get some levels for your Spartan I recommend you try Spartan Ops instead. Double the XP in half the time. Make sure you do it in matchmaking though and not just go to the chapter itself. Otherwise you'll be getting the same as MP.
  17. It's the multiplayer content. Once you install it you only need to use disc 1.
  18. So I played the first chapter of episode 2 on legendary by myself. The verdict- 127 kills, 30 deaths. This was a tough one and I recommend you bring your friends. Oh, and their friends too. I'll be tackling the challenges tonight when I get home if anyone would like to join me.
  19. I would like to get into the campaign on BO2 but I'll Redbox it instead of buying it.
  20. Way I figure it the quality of the Halo games is going up while the quality of the Call of Duty games has dropped rapidly. I know opinions vary but I feel that COD has killed it's multiplayer by producing maps that promote camping. To me it takes all the fun out of a game if I have to sit in a corner the entire round just to get a kill. If you step outside the you immediately get your grape popped. COD 4 had the most balanced maps but it's been down hill ever since.
  21. New Spartan Ops should be available early morning of 11/12/12. If all goes to plan we should have a new episode every Monday for the next nine weeks.
  22. It's funny how all FPS's have the same fundementals and mechanics and still manage to be so damn different from each other. I never went negative in COD4 once I got the hang of it but I would rarely go positive in Halo 3.
  23. Eugimon and I was in Spartan Ops when I invited you. Try installing disc 2 on your HD to fix the compatibility issue. As for not having a mic, I don't really care. I prefer one but it's ok if you don't. Hikuro/Anime52k8 I'll be on later tonight if you guys want to start a legendary run.
  24. That's awesome. If you want to do a co-op run on legendary let me know.
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