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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Ain't that the truth. I got a shelf and a crappy bookcase. I need a serious upgrade. It's gotten to the point where when I came home the other day and all my valks were sitting in a circle for an intervention regarding their poor living conditions.
  2. I got lucky with a few good spawns. There was 3 times where I was spawned right behind an elite and all I had to do was take 2 steps and assassinate him. Other than that, spam grenades and run in dropping shields so Cory could lay down some accurate fire with his rifle and kill them. Oh, and then die, rinse, repeat.
  3. I'll be home in about 1hour 15 min. If you're still on send me an invite. When do you think you'll be getting a mic?
  4. I wouldn't blame your internet at all. Even though you're in Canada you hosted those 5 games we played just fine. Neither my friend or I had any lag what so ever and we're in the US. That was a server issue.
  5. Thanks for sharing that link. I didn't know there were so many of these models.
  6. I love the spent bullet shell in the super packs. What caliber is that?
  7. I can definitely agree with most of that.
  8. Wow, never heard of that happening. Hopefully it works out in your favor next time.
  9. This is turning out quite well. Great job Kurisama.
  10. I intend on leaving it unpainted with no stickers. Exactly how I had it as a kid.
  11. Got this in yesterday. It's not much but it's a replacement for the first Macross anything I ever owned. The first one was purchased by my grandmother a long time ago and this one was purchased by my mom for Xmas. It has a lot of sentimental value despite its small size.
  12. Also make sure you check out Anymoon.com for all your review needs. The guy that runs it is a member here as well and it spot on everytime.
  13. Cory and I just had an awesome Spartan Ops session. We beat all the first Episodes chapters on legendary and then I finished the last campaign level on solo legendary for the Lone Wolf Legend achievement.
  14. Great work man, got any pics of the step by step process?
  15. Depends on how much you paid for it. I've gotten 3 25S and 2 are broke but make for great display pieces.
  16. Then I suggest that you rearrange your life to make this time work for you.
  17. I'll be on a few hours after that. About 2300 Mountain time.
  18. Spartan Ops Episode 4 out now. I'd be participating in the systematic genocide of grunts and elites tonight.
  19. This valk falls into that "weird" category for me, just like the "pretty" fat girl. I like it but it just defies logic.
  20. Just send me a game invite and I'll come punish some aliens with you.
  21. I was watching legendary difficulty speed runs for Halo 4 on Youtube last night and came across the codes for almost 20,000 in XP and some armor. Look for Youtube user Nak3dhalo. He had a bunch of great videos.
  22. I was considering it but it depends on shipping because I won't go over $140 shipped for it. You'll see them pop up for about that price in the For Sale thread or on ebay.
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