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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. It wasn't a big deal, personally I find the screams of defenseless women and traumatized children quite uplifting.
  2. So here's an update on the final achievements for Episode 5. I don't have names available so bear with me. -Achievement for Ep. 5 Chap. 1, by "survive" they really mean complete the level. I died multiple times on heroic matchmaking and still got it. I may make it a personal challenge to beat the horde that attacks you on legendary without dying. -Achievement for Ep. 5 Chap. 4, when defending the power generators my team found it useful to move the Puma's (Warthogs) in front of the generators and have a Spartan man the gun. Assign two Spartans to each side, one as a gunner and another as a floater to keep enemies off the gunner and generators that are coming from multiple directions. -Achievement for compeleting the first five episodes of Spartan Ops on any difficulty. This was easy but there is a glitch. Just complete the levels. Nothing fancy. However if the achievement doesn't pop once they're all completed you have a problem. I personally had beaten all the chapters for all the episodes multiple times and once I beat Ep. 5 Chap. 5 it didn't pop. I looked back at my progress and it showed that I hadn't beat Ep. 2 at all. I call BS and start cussing. So I threw it on easy and started Ep. 2, Chap. 1 and once it was completed the achievement popped. I then looked at my progress and it once again showed me having completed everything on legendary. I'm sure 343 is aware of this as Halo fans tend to be quite volatile when it comes to their favorite game being all glitched up. I'll keep taps on this issue and let you guys know once it's fixed. Cory-Really happy you got a mic. It made getting stuff done so much easier. You made a great impression with my friends and you're always welcome to join us. However, I'm still extremely bitter about that grunt you shot in the face while I was assassinating him.
  3. You know what they say about Spartans with freakishly super huge feet right?
  4. Don't worry, I spoke to my mommy for three hours today and she gave me a great pep talk and I feel better now.
  5. Yeah, I was pretty crushed. My self esteem may never recover.
  6. No it doesn't. The max xp you can get in a private match is 2966 and 5950 in matchmaking. Changing the difficulty changes what class of enemy you encounter during the mission. The reason that's important is when going for Commendations you have to pick the level of difficulty that has the enemy type that you need to kill.
  7. I'm actually going to bed now or I'd be down. I'll be down to play tomorrow night though.
  8. Basically, it allows you to pick any Specialization in any order instead of just having a choice of Wetwork or Operator.
  9. The Google Machine said, http://www.examiner.com/article/halo-4-specialization-unlock-codes-being-sent-out
  10. Having a big air competition.
  11. I say tell her to give it a shot. It's a lot harder than it sounds. Damn little kids are good. Even worse is the old people with strategy. I got my last achievement I need today excluding the ones that can be done this Monday. Once Monday gets here I'll have 1000/1000.
  12. There's also VF5SS at CollectionDX.com. His are equally useful and he's a certified alpha male man stallion (it's on the internet, it's got to be true).
  13. I might be able to pull that off today.
  14. It's a lifestyle they chose and I'm not going to judge them for it. I just wish they would quit shooting those giant green blobs at my face.
  15. Depending on the time/space/money situation, I may either display them or sell them, but for right now they're back in the crate.
  16. LMFAO @ Cory Yeah, I wasn't as impressed as you were with that one. You did however drop out before the greatest Spartan Ops level ever (so far). Episode 3, Chapter 4 Shootout in Valhalla. If you think 4 Hunters is bad try 8 at a time with reinforcements coming as soon as you finish off a few. Nevermind the Elite Generals with their fuelrods trying to pound out your backdoor. That level just makes me giggle.
  17. Turns out 99% of the figures are complete too. I found a giant bag of accessories. The pic of the crate contains some Marvel Training Center, Spawn Alley, and two Danger Rooms.
  18. So I went climbing through my storage unit and came across my old toy box. Inside I found all sorts of goodies.
  19. Looks great brother. It's funny that you always associated that detail with Macross, I didn't until you mentioned it and then it was an instantanious "duh, why didn't I think of that".
  20. Welcome to the fold. You're in for a treat.
  21. Nope I'm good with it.
  22. I'll be home in 2 hours and ready to start another one. Let me know.
  23. Escapism at it's finest. UN Spacy all the way.
  24. Thankfully it hasn't come to that.
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