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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I like it. Never seen it before. I dig the aggressiveness of it. Looking forward to your build.
  2. I want to get one of those however after your review I'm waiting for that super steep discount. They're on evilbay for just over $70 but I'm waiting for even lower than that.
  3. And the crowd goes wild. That added firing effect is awesome.
  4. That sure is purdy.
  5. My recommendation would be to find a group of friends that you can play regularly with, get to know each others styles, and develop some kind of strategy. I know when playing a map with vehicles on it I always bring a plasma pistol for the overcharge/EMP secondary ability and sticky grenades since they are great at blowing up vehicles.
  6. That's pretty sweet. Can you provide a parts list or an instruction manual?
  7. That code is for the first person to use it.
  8. This weeks Spartan Ops is back to Episode 1 but now it's on legendary difficulty instead of heroic. With the fast track perk and double xp I just got 16963 xp in one match.
  9. Here's a valid double xp code for the dewxp.com site for my fellow Spartan IV's. L9R3VZZ3KN When you enter it make sure you use capital letters.
  10. I'll see what I can find tonight.
  11. Is it a Microsoft one or does someone else make it?
  12. No that's from me playing to much and knowing what weapon to bring to what enemy spawn. We can blame that on me having no social life beyond Xbox or MW. When are you getting a mic? Do I have to send you one for xmas? Or we can do a trade + cash for the next valk I buy off you.
  13. It was fine for me which means I was most likely hosting. Due to the way their servers are set up for Coop Campaign/Spartan Ops it typically causes the person with the crap connection to host. Please don't hate me.
  14. Even those legendary missions we ran were pretty easy. Have I mentioned how much I love that turret in the level Spartan Miller?
  15. Beautiful Robodragon.
  16. We had an all MW team tonight consisting of eugimon, anime52k8, CoryHolmes, and myself. Lots of fun and great Macross discussion.
  17. What exactly is the issue you're experiencing?
  18. I'm looking forward to getting a house one day with a room to display all this. MacFarlane's Spawn toys are awesome and have way better detail than the Marvel ones. I noticed today that I'm missing a few of my prize toys like the Deadpool figures. Him and Cable are my all time favorite Marvel characters.
  19. It's been a while with these so which ones are the clone saga spiderman figs?
  20. I'm going after that DMR skin next. Wish I didn't forget about it when it came time to pick.
  21. Got to level 60 today, finishing my Pioneer and was able to pick my second specialization so I went with the Rogue. The fast track ability is pretty sweet. I finish a round on matchmaking Spartan Ops and got 13k xp total with the Mt. Dew double xp bonus.
  22. I've been on the look out for one of those Fold Booster/Super Packs combos for a while and I haven't found one.
  23. Yeah but it doesn't matter because it's still awesome and I personally wouldn't want the launchers in the arms because I think the gimmicks are ugly.
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