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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Still have my original PSOne, PS2, and my 7th 360.
  2. Sorry to hear about all the pain this is causing just know that I'm looking forward to seeing your finished product. All the other stuff you've done with valks has been great so I'm excited for this build.
  3. This is why I tell people just to give me money as a gift. My mom spent about $90 USD on this kit.
  4. I never was a StarTrek fan, but I've always loved the ships especially the Enterprise. Looking forward to stalking your progress.
  5. Upload some pics buddy.
  6. Nothing. Just so I can catch up on what I don't have already.
  7. That's it. Time to brush up on my Spanish.
  8. I finally got around to seeing it for the first time as it's still a very sensitive subject around here. I liked it but I doubt I'll ever buy it. It definitely held my attention all the way through and I enjoyed the ending.
  9. Once I hang my new Macross wall portrait and get one more package in I'll finally be able to post a pic of my holiday loot.
  10. I feel I got a good grasp on toys but nothing on models. I got a 1/72 Nora SV-51 Hasegawa for Xmas and I'd much rather have the 1/60 toy. Anybody know what they are worth?
  11. Kicker, just go a head and amaze us.
  12. That's a great haul talon. I wanted everything on that list.
  13. Dude, I would poop myself and run if I saw that snake. Have a great new year guys.
  14. Episode 1 of The Walking Dead XBL Arcade game is free right now. I highly recommend it.
  15. Benson13

    What is this?

    Kurisama built a conversation kit for the 1/60 VF-0A. It's currently on his Shapeways and the thread is somewhere in the Building/Customizing thread.
  16. I hate waiting for mail to come in.

  17. I hate waiting for mail to come in.

  18. Yup, that thread is floating around here somewhere.
  19. I wouldn't, he has commitment issues. Can't commit to Padme, can't commit to the light side, can't commit to the Empire, and can't commit to good acting in Episode's 2 & 3.
  20. I say take the SDF-1 down, not because I don't love it but because it's the most drap piece in your display. If you take down one of the eye catchers then it won't be as vibrant as it was. This way you're only swapping grey for grey. OR you can just scoot the SDF-1 back and display the valk at it's feet in fighter mode. It would also keep the drap area in the center the way you have it now and the bright pieces keep the eyes wandering between the two.
  21. Is it possible to do both?
  22. Now that is some Xmas cheer I can appreciate. I you sang that on my doorstep, I wouldn't chase you off with one of those cardboard wrapping paper tubes. For some reason every time I pick one of those up I have to make lightsaber noises.
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