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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I got online and saw that I had 190 notifications. All I thought was WTF happened while I slept? Did HG finally give up the license? And then I saw it was just spammers. Man, was I ever disappointed.
  2. Fantastic work man. I've been thinking of buying one of these for a while instead of tracking down a V.1 since the V.2s are retardedly expensive.
  3. I'm interested and would like to know a bit more.
  4. Something funny regarding this that I read on another site. http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/09/dod-announces-support-for-military-bronies/
  5. I really need a big boy job.
  6. Benson13

    Regult Model

    I like it. What's next?
  7. I could see myself removing the door, setting up my display, and while remounting the door, I go full retard bump it sending all my valks tumbling out of the cabinet in flames like they're Kakizaki.
  8. Thanks Exo. That's been driving me nuts. I'd go looking for something and one of you devious mods had put it to bed.
  9. What do they even look like?
  10. Screw it. If you have the means to take care of your responsibilities and load up on sweet toys I say do it. Can't wait to see your display.
  11. Wow. That's really all I can say. I can't believe I just read all of that.
  12. That was awesome. I was like WTF is he doing when he cut up and bent that engine area. I thought he might have been rage quiting but he's just way more creative than me.
  13. That is awesome. They should just put it in the For Sale thread and make our lives easy.
  14. Thanks Lynk, I needed a good laugh.
  15. Alot of my 360's ate it because of me taking them with me on deployments. Between the dust, mortars, and convoys I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.
  16. It was only $18 on evilbay. By the way it's waaaay bigger than what I thought it was going to be. It's almost the size of a baseball.
  17. I got all my stuff in finally.
  18. I'm really jealous of you guys. I just couldn't afford it's epic price tag. I feel like a sad panda.
  19. I do prefer Picard over Kirk. I hope I don't get flamed for that comment.
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