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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I'm in nerd lust and extremely jealous of D.
  2. I'm gonna make sure that's stuck in my head all day. Thanks Save.
  3. That's awesome Grayson. If I received something like that I'd be beaming with pride. Does he know about it?
  4. Here's my modest Mospeada collection. Probably gonna get rid of it soon though. Not enough room to even display any of this. So this and my Southern Cross stuff is just put away in boxes.
  5. Will anyone be getting Rainbow Six Patriots when it comes out? Also they announced the new Skylanders game today for those of you with kids.
  6. Great job love the subtle panel lines.
  7. There should be a demo available for download.
  8. I heard the same thing. Let me know how it is and if there really is a difficulty level where if you die you have to start over.
  9. Don't just tell us man, show us a picture.
  10. So what is that hinting at? I'm not as familiar with the series outside of RT.
  11. I'm getting that as well. I've had 3 on my screen at once.
  12. Is it possible to follow a thread from this skin?
  13. I'm totally stoked you guys made a mobile version of the website. I do about 80% of my MWing from my phone and so far it's been really user friendly. Thanks a lot for putting this together Shawn/Graham/Mods.
  14. There's a small pocket at the base of the neck where you can stick one or two fingers and works as a great pressure point. However, try not to push more than three inches down or the flesh starts to tear and permanent damage occurs. Try using that to keep them away.
  15. It did have that Dead Space feel in it when the green boxes popped up with details.
  16. I just hit level 130 two days ago. Now I need something else to play .
  17. I still play a decent amount of Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 & 2 on XBL
  18. I think I got me a new desktop photo.
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