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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I'll send some tonight or tomorrow. Pic sent.
  2. No it wasn't. It was open front but if it was an unlocked Detolf it would've popped open with the same results. Putting a lock on it would prevent the door from opening and thus preventing a long fall to the floor.
  3. He bumped into my display shelf and sent them flying. It looked like that scene in SDFM where the barrier system overloaded, everything flying every which a way and then plummeting into the floor. I yelled mother "fracker" as it happened and the wife got all defensive. It was a stupid day. Kicker has the right idea. Lock them up in the showcases and then lock the room and then deny it even exists.
  4. I don't expect other so either and then the great "Father in Law Incident" happened. Guess who's side the wife was on while you're at it?
  5. Benson13

    Its Official!

    Be careful with buying from ester tool/cherrytab. They're the same person as far as I can tell and they pack like crap according to numerous members. It's totally worth going through and following the MW Blacklist.
  6. Nope. It's not carrying a white flag. Zing! It's actually an Angel Bird from the first episode of SDFM. Hikaru flew his fan racer right through the middle of their formation.
  7. Beautifully executed. I like my valks the same way I like my women, dirty.
  8. I have a poorly painted 1/48 generic pilot that could be repainted. PM me if you want some pics.
  9. Anyone know where I can go to pawn a kidney? I've decided I need some more 19's
  10. Way better now that I can see the rest of it's face.
  11. It looks like a Cyclops with a smiley face to me. Can you get us a closer head pic Shaorin?
  12. FC3 was awesome. FC2 was fairly good too. I'd start there since it's so cheap.
  13. It's like an evil version of the 19 Kai. Men could pilot that one and not feel bad. I love it.
  14. I got nothin' on that. I don't even have words.
  15. That video was awesome, to bad the game looks like a wet bag of tally whackers.
  16. I'm really diggin that Custom 25S you got there TCracker.
  17. Nice brain bucket collection behind the Tomcat 505.
  18. I didn't really pay attention to anything I've seen about this game because of the massive disappointment BS2 was. I was completely blown away by that 15 min trailer.
  19. Wow. Even my old lady did a double take on that one.
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