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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I think it'll only devalue the ones they release. As for the scalpers their price will remain the same, if not go up. I don't see a drastic reduction in market value either.
  2. I see what you did there you sneaky guy.
  3. Plastic, the Macross stuff should be on top where it's easiest to see.
  4. That is awesome.
  5. Sorry to hear that man. I've always respected the fact that you stuck to your guns on this. Sorry some clown shoe had to go and do this. Who is the seller so I can boycott?
  6. I got a new job and I'm treating myself at the Con. I fully intend to walk out of there with a Low Viz Roy and a VF-4.
  7. There better be because I got money to blow.
  8. I'm with you Kyp. I had given up on renewals and then I got my new job. Only bad part is I have to pack up my valks and move them to Texas and that scares me.
  9. Looked like a lot of fun.
  10. I'd make sure he was unemployed by weeks end if that was my stuff.
  11. I tried watching the movie and it was horrible. I can't imagine this movie being good at all either. Looks like its a different Redline movie. I'll see if I can find a link.
  12. But you could just give it a try. You know, just the tip... That being said, I imagine this being just as good as Redline.
  13. Judge me for whooshing my Valk around my house and I may just park a SV-51 in your eye.
  14. Thanks man I try. I look for something fun in the threads I create. I'm looking forward to the Holiday Loot thread blowing up again. I have an idea for another but it's on hold since I'm starting my own company.
  15. You know what that really was right? Straight up jealously. He obviously never had a childhood, hatched from an egg, and was never loved. On top of all that some ginger headed death machine stuck a firecracker in his Jetfire and he's been traumatized ever since.
  16. I could admire a Valk and the form at the same time.
  17. Give it a few more years guys. Women's fashion now includes Marvel Comics shirts. Chicks will be jocking our shizz because of our sweet Valk collections in the near future.
  18. I really wish out niche was as big as our hearts made it out to be.
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