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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. The angst is justified when you go from a sports car to a space age minivan.So I did some reading about the movie's review and it was destroyed by the critics. If failed to clear $6 mil so it did better than Go-Bots but worse than My Lil Pony (wtf).
  2. No. I'm pretty sure I can quote most of it as the movie plays.Today I learned about an OVA called TF: Scramble City. Has anyone seen this and is it worth hunting down? I may be opening Pandoras Box but what's wrong with Hot Rod?
  3. I'm dying over here guys thanks.
  4. I still blast The Touch whenever I hear it. Optimus' power run through the Decepticons embodies all things noble.
  5. Correct. All the super parts have been seperate from the valks.
  6. Am I the only one that got that? LOL.I like Graham's take on it though. Grab up the licenses that have been shunned and take advantage of the completionists. I think the the VF-2SS has such an elegant battroid mode and it should be shared with the world.
  7. Also changing the reality where Roy dies eating a crappy salad and thus it's him laying waste to all Zentraedi in the sky. With Roy back in the saddle for the rest of the series combat deaths are lowered significantly however Minmay's former Bridge Bunnies lose two members to violent parking accidents while docking their valks.
  8. On mine it just kind of gets pinned inbetween the the arm and the gun. Holds it in place nicely.
  9. I'm here for your Focker.
  10. Max and Kaki join Hikaru to create the Valk Street Boys and the Bridge Bunnies get in valks due to the lack of pilots. I can only imagine the spoofed song titles.
  11. There are two Rau's for under $100 on eBay now and another in the for sale thread.
  12. I'm doing cartwheels over this news.
  13. I think I'm going to wait until Destiny releases to make my next gen jump.
  14. Skull militia I think you have Roy's forearm armor on the wrong side. Or it may just be my personal preference to have the screws facing inside as opposed to out. Love the effects though. To bad displays can't actually look like that.
  15. Ozma anything makes the other valks look better, it's like having a beard.
  16. I'm totally jealous. All my friends are door kicking gun toters. It would be awesome to have people who had something in common with my nerdy half.
  17. He's allergic to stupid.
  18. As you guys can tell Exo is Macross' number one English speaking ambassador.
  19. LOL. Well played sir.
  20. That's awesome Scream Man. I wish my wife had even the smallest interest in my Macross collection. She refuses to watch it because it's not in English. That typically starts the discussion on not everything that's awesome comes from America.
  21. I've got to get my hands on a MP Prime at some point and a Rodimus too. Where would you guys recommend finding those?
  22. Dead Rising 2 and Case Zero are free on Xbox Live right now.
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