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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. If I was going to start collecting Masterpieces I'd just throw one of those kids a $20 and hold one for me when it comes in.
  2. Sad to see this man go. Sleep easy Hiroshi Yamauchi. http://techland.time.com/2013/09/19/nintendos-hiroshi-yamauchi-dead-at-85/
  3. I could care less if it's anime magic. I always thought it was badass and wanted one.
  4. That's good news.
  5. This is awesome. I'm definitely more interested in one for the new one since it's going to have the better battroid form.
  6. That's awesome David thanks. I kept all my classic games from childhood.
  7. I'll be at the Courtyard Marriott Torrence.
  8. I loved it. I normally don't laugh even when I do find things funny but I had tears in my eyes because of this movie. Who knew Tatum was funny?
  9. That's a pretty bird Derex.
  10. Love you're work Alex. It's my favorite armor out of the group for sure.
  11. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35844&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 Here it is Exo.
  12. Another thing to consider is the file quality. I only rip them on the highest setting and wouldn't waste effort on small files due to space limitations on the HDD.
  13. I recently purged my music collection of songs I don't listen to and now have 30 GB of singles. That's down from about 750 GB. Movies are a whole other story as I have 3 HDDs filled with movies. Made a lot of sense to save space on deployments plus when you enter some countries they'll steal your movies in customs. I also have the whole Macross series and Archer on my phone for ease of access for all my nerdery needs.
  14. Just trying to be a team player. Let me know if you want pics.
  15. No mod on Max required. His lower legs pull right off and he has two joints in his arm to mimic Milias position.
  16. How many different releases are there? It was only $130 at TRU right? Why $300 now?
  17. Any of you guys playing Splinter Cell Blacklist? Lots of great coop to be had.
  18. Kup saying stay away is just stupid. No such thing as a fair fight. If you're not cheating, you're not trying. This doesn't just apply to Deceptions.
  19. You can't fault Hot Rod for Optimus dying. It would've panned out the same way because Megatron had the drop on him. In that incident Hot Rod did demonstrate qualities that would lead to him to become a Prime.
  20. Where are you seeing it at a discount?
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