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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. Watch out for that game and any of the Skylanders as they are quite the money pit. Something I didn't like about the DI game was how you couldn't play a character outside of their respective story level. So you can't play as Aladdin in the Toy Story level. I believe you can create your own levels but I'm not aware of how child friendly the level creator is. Skylanders will let you play any character anywhere but some areas are inaccessible unless you own a character with a certain trait. I'd check out youtube and watch some videos to see what your kids will like better.
  2. Does that stand come with the ghosts?
  3. I just finished AC4 with 94% completion. Stay away from the legendary ships until you're almost fully upgraded on your ship. Well, fight one once and see. Buy the swords that cost $14,000 asap, it'll make life easier and money isn't really an issue. Get the 5 Templar keys asap as well so you get good damage reduction armor though I love the Mayan armor best. It deflects bullets so you don't get shot. Hope that makes your life easier.
  4. I must have this. Like yesterday.
  5. I'm with you on that one David. I'll pay $400 plus tax for one but that's it. I most likely won't get my next gen console until Destiny releases. That way all the kinks will be ironed out, hopefully a price drop will occur, and there will be enough games out to justify it's purchase.
  6. Looks like the XBone will continue the Games with Gold program with free monthly games. http://m.joystiq.com/2013/11/14/xbox-live-gold-members-to-get-free-xbox-one-games-monthly-in-201/?post=2&icid=joystiq_home_latest_art
  7. On 11/30/13.
  8. Can't wait for the finished product.
  9. Your modification could demand more OR less money due to the potential buyers own preferences. Some guys one a stock one, others want a custom one of a kind. There was a seller about a year ago with a heavily weathered and panel lined 1/48 VF-1J that about lost his mind because no one wanted to buy his "sweet custom valk". The thread had to be closed by mods. While it wasn't a bad looking at no one wanted a his custom. At the same time it could go the other way. You may post it and get a ton of hits. I say post it with it's base price + the can't get it in stores premium + the moderate custom premium and then negotiate privately via PM. edit I found the thread for your personal amusement. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36738
  10. I've, had, the time of my life And I owe it all to you No one puts Hikaru in the corner.
  11. One thing I'm going to disagree with David on. You're putting way to much emphasis on hardcore/well informed gamers being the primary purchaser of these systems. I think it's mostly uninformed parents/grandparents that are going to be purchasing a bulk of these units. They don't care or know nothing about what any of these policies really mean. Hardcore gamers are pissed by all this stuff but most of the normal gamers I know don't even care while the casual gamers I know don't even know this is going on. The two primary reasons they have for buying a system is exclusive games or free online play. Most of them circumvent this by purchasing both systems.
  12. Looking for some Diablo 3 players on the 360. Send me a PM.
  13. Bound and gagged the Zentraedi subjected their prisoners to various Protoculture experiments under the project name "50 Shades of Minmay".
  14. It's a more recent trend in the newer titles. Anything to cut costs and ease the transition into an all digital format.
  15. I'm with Derex on this one.
  16. I'm sad to say it's A World of Keflings that's free on Xbox 360 for the next two weeks.
  17. I'm looking forward to this. I really admire his work and appreciate all the time he's taken to fill in the gaps in our collections.
  18. See finally some good news.
  19. I agree your second effort is leaps and bounds better.
  20. As long as it's accompanied by epic pics you're forgiven.
  21. Mine needs to ship ASAP because I'm moving in two weeks.
  22. Is the designer one of us on MW?
  23. So anyone know what Google is building on the east and west coasts?
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