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Everything posted by Benson13

  1. I used a LED set from Home Depot. There were $35 each and contain 4 strips. Then I bought a metal strip that pointed the lights at a 45 degree angle. I also put black paper on the back to mute the reflection.
  2. Don't you body shame it's toe cleavage.
  3. That spot and the one above it aren't empty, they're reserved for the rest of the new Delta line that's coming out eventually. Gotta preplan this stuff.
  4. That's a fantastic collection Lolicon. Paint just got finished in my new office. Next week is the carpet and installing all the lights in the Detolfs. I'll see if I can get a pic of everything I'm stuffing in my display room.
  5. Count me in for one.
  6. I'm actually more interested in hanging out with my fellow fans. Meeting guys like EXO, Jason, Richard, Sirian, Kyle, Adrian, Gwyn, and so many others is incredible. I've been talking to all these folks for years it's great seeing them in person. Lots of drinks, food, fun, and deculture to be had.
  7. I'm definitely going. Probably one best times/places to buy toys. I saw brand new stuff going for less than MSRP.
  8. Thanks! I'll give it a look soon. Just packed all my Macross stuff to do new paint and carpet in my collection room.
  9. There is however, this weird little sweet spot where the joints want to stick in a super dynamic pose but it that's not what you want or if it's hit, they just dangle.
  10. Whether it's HMR or Arcadia, all I want is a complete damn set in a viable scale.
  11. Everyone should pack things like ShowZ and include those fancy corner covers.
  12. I just got my Hayate AX and you guys weren't lying about the QC and tolerances. I am a little heartbroken.
  13. What a missed opportunity by Arcadia. Had they gone with one of the Destroids we needed for this scale it could've turned this entire line around. People would've scrambled to pick these up again. A new Destroid design could've led us to believe they were going to complete the line, which I would've been all in for, but instead we're left wondering if they're milking the mold to gauge our interest which isn't fair because we've already gotten three versions (tan, green, weathered) of this guy so if you wanted it, you have it.
  14. I really hope they are for you guys. My hips (on the originals) were good for about a year in a single pose and then the first time moved them it was like shaking an old wooden puppet.
  15. The V.1 VF-25S Ozma. One of the first valks I bought when I first found out there were MP type toys. This type of heartbreak wasn't something I was ready for. The VF-2SS. Man, I love this design but this toy was the worst. Any YF-29. Those hips are just trash.
  16. KOs or real ones?
  17. Yeah, that would be terrible.
  18. Benson13

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah I'e been eyeing the set but I already have 5 orders in with them and the not shipping thing is making me nervous even though they're reputable.
  19. Benson13

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice. The Regult Missile Type Set is going to be my next purchase. Currently looking for them as we speak.
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