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About Crimson9

  • Birthday 02/15/1979

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  • Location
    Grand Rapids Michigan
  • Interests
    Macross, Gundam, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Hockey

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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Crimson9

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I picked up my 31A from my parents house today. I only took a quick glance at it before putting it back in the box, but I didn't see any defects on mine. My desk is already overflowing with Valkyries and Marvel legends, so I'm just going to leave it in the box until I figure out where I'm going to display it.
  2. Crimson9

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The 31A I ordered off of Amazon on Saturday for $400 was delivered today. I had it sent to my parents house and I haven't gone over to get it yet though. I see the same seller I ordered mine from has already jacked the price up another $60 since I ordered mine.
  3. Crimson9

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So I was eyeing the 31A from Imageanime's website for $380, but I had to wait to see what my rabbit's vet bill was going to be before I bought it. The first thing I did after getting home was try and order the figure and of course they sold out before I had a chance to buy it. I can't even find one for $400 now. Anyone know if they are still available anywhere? * Right after posting this I found it on Amazon with Prime shipping for $399.99. Mine should be delivered on Monday.*
  4. Crimson9

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah.. I blew my toy budget for the next couple of weeks. It won't be until the first week of April when I can afford the 31A. I've got my fingers crossed that it won't be too much higher than the $300 mark.
  5. Crimson9

    Hi-Metal R

    Stupid Ebay 20% off coupon... I had been thinking about picking up the Focker VF-1S, since it's really the last one I need, but I just couldn't justify the $200+ price. $175 was a different story. I had to pull the trigger. I still haven't opened up my Max and Miria. Not really sure where I'm going to display these yet. Technically I still need the Hikaru 1S, but I'm not really hung up on the DYRL versions.
  6. Crimson9

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'd love to buy doubles of the 31A, but it's a little out of my price range to buy multiples at the moment. I do have two 1/48 CF Valks, but I think thats the only time I've bought multiples of a Macross item.
  7. Crimson9

    Hi-Metal R

    I couldn't decide if I was in on this line or not. I opened up my Elintseeker last night and ended up ordering Max and Miriya this morning for $290 shipped.
  8. Crimson9

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm sure there will be a bunch available once people actually get them in hand.
  9. I still haven't received any of my 4 orders I placed yet. Three of the orders have been sitting at customs in Chicago since the 16th, and my officer IJ hasn't hit the US yet.
  10. I've been re watching Macross Zero and I decided to pull my Yamato VF 0S out of my display case. Boy has it turned yellow. I've never bought an Arcadia Valk before, but I think I might have to jump on this pre order. I really wish Arcadia would give me another shot at the VF 0D as well.
  11. When I asked they offered it with the armor set for $60 shipped.
  12. Crimson9

    Hi-Metal R

    I haven't received my VE-1 from amiami yet. I should have it early next week. I just opened my first 2 Hi metal R valks the other day ( Messer VF-1, and Hikaru's VF-1J. They are fine, but I wasn't blown away by them. I've got a couple of weeks to decide if I'm going to buy more since I blew this months toy budget on Macross stuff already.
  13. Looks good. Hopefully mine shows up in about a week.
  14. Looks like my 3 orders shipped today. Did you get the Officer 1J off ebay, or did you find one for a better price somewhere?
  15. How long does it take Kitz Concept to ship out orders? I pretty much ordered 1 of everything over the past week. All three of my orders still say processing. I'd like to hurry up and get one of these figures in hand so I know if I'm going to need to track down the brown VF-1J and a VF-1S.
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