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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Dude, you work fast!* Amazing to see your design become a reality... and so quickly, too! * Your printer's no slouch, either.
  2. tekering

    Macross figures

    So, the entire production run was scrapped, and a new production run has yet to be scheduled... which means it'll likely take another year before we see our figures.
  3. Saw sqidd's swell score, said "Say, super savings on sick swag! Such sweet success!"
  4. Even as a child, that aspect of Robotech never worked for me. Protoculture was an ancient society that nobody had heard of, then it was suddenly an alien plant used in genetic engineering, and then it was suddenly a battery that powered your mecha. And then Daley and Luceno made it the Force...? Like, make up your minds, guys.
  5. What's with that Core Fighter? Did Gundam: The Origin feature a complete redesign, or is it just the toy that changed it?
  6. I second the recommendation... This only took a couple of minutes using Photoshop CS4.
  7. Looks more like Dana Sterling cosplaying as Hikaru.
  8. It was sad a decade ago... but nowadays, it's Standard Operating Procedure. TakaraTomy pulls out all the bells and whistles to make their newest Masterpiece Optimus the finest yet, only to be beaten to market by both Transform Element and Magic Square, both significantly more accurate and both at a fraction of the cost of MP-44. These days, third-party products are making HasTak look like a joke.
  9. Finally, a Vortex toy that looks like the Vortex I remember. Ocular Max has done it again! KFC knock-offs? That's nightmare fuel, right there.
  10. Finally, a Vortex that looks like Vortex. Ocular Max hits another one out of the park. Major improvement!
  11. "Grimoire?" Did he say "grimoire valkyrie?" Yeah, that's what I thought he said. And did he say Macross was a mech series "lost to the test [sic] of time?" He's an excellent modeler, but... he really shouldn't narrate his videos if he doesn't know what he's talking about.
  12. Amazon.jp currently has 'em for 10% off retail... It's at least a year away -- and will likely cost you twice what the Yamato will -- but it'll be the best 1:48 Roy. So many 1:60 variations to consider... ...and that doesn't even include the new Premium Finish release.
  13. This is the 1:60 you want. Link to eBay Accept no substitutes. Well, in that case...
  14. Well, since Paramount prevented its publication a decade ago, Pocket Books was never able to use the manuscript. Instead, the .pdf was distributed online for free. It was only after Piller's death that his estate had it printed and bound, but I wouldn't exactly call it a "professional" publication. Nonetheless, it's a fascinating and informative read, and well worth the time to track down.
  15. Have you read Michael Pillar's book? As writer, producer, and showrunner for significant portions of TNG, DS9, and Voyager, he nonetheless couldn't get his script for Insurrection approved until he made the requisite changes Patrick Stewart (and Brent Spiner) demanded. Leading actors clearly had clout in the '90s, at least.
  16. But isn't using the title Jacob's Ladder giving away the ending? Might as well have called it
  17. While waiting for the new show to premiere, I decided my ReAction mystic could use a repaint: Before and after. I really should've sanded that seam off his face first.
  18. Of course, they're just inverted animation model sheets. The SDF-1 is a dead giveaway -- they obviously forgot it was asymmetrical.
  19. Never mind about the show. What about the toys? Are we ever gonna get figures of principal characters like Neeku and Tam? Their absence from the toyline has not gone unnoticed. Seriously, for a show as toyetic as this, there's a pathetic lack of merchandising. Disney and Hasbro have really dropped the ball. I mean, even this TLJ turd got a toy... ...but these designs aren't good enough? Talk about a wasted opportunity.
  20. That's Robotech, not Mospeada: http://robotech-reference-guide.org/Veritech/Cyclone.html The bad fan art should've been a dead giveaway.
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