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Everything posted by tekering

  1. It's a definite plus. I use mirrored backgrounds as much as possible, for a variety of reasons... First, it makes sparsely-decorated displays look fuller, by doubling the number of visible subjects... It considerably increases the amount of visible light in your displays, which is particularly useful for illuminating lower shelves... It reflects whatever you've displayed on the facing wall, providing more visual interest... It can greatly enhance the perceived sense of space in the room... It can provide the illusion of infinite depth... ...and of course, allows your subjects to be visible from front and back simultaneously. I've spent a great deal of time and effort mounting mirrors in showcases and behind shelves, and would never even consider covering up existing ones...!
  2. It's damned miraculous that this got produced. As a prequel to a half-forgotten film from 35 years ago, a complex and expensive epic that barely broke even, and a franchise that has languished in development hell for over a decade... For it to finally get made, with this level of tonal fidelity, visual consistency, and with all the impenetrably dense mythology of the original, is truly incredible. I never would've believed it would happen. Of course, I never expected Linda Hamilton to make another Terminator film, after her character had been killed off... Or Jamie Lee Curtis to make another Halloween film, after her character had been killed off... twice...! And who would've expected a sequel to The Shining, 40 years later...? What an amazing time we live in. I sure hope this manages to find an audience.
  3. Agreed on the chest and forearms (and the pelvis is definitely better than Zeta's, now that I can see it), and the skeletal wing motif is cool... but Hasbro's head is just too far off-model. Can't unsee that. Unfortunately, since Zeta's will be significantly smaller, it's no longer a viable alternative. Guess I'll just stick with my Fewture EX Gohkin Plus.
  4. If you're looking to hire a professional modeler, it's important to understand the costs involved. Many of us have devoted decades to developing our craft -- I've spent years training with master builders here in Japan, for instance -- and those of us who do commissions expect to be compensated for our time and talent. You've got to consider material costs, shipping expenses, and be prepared to wait months for a project to be completed. You may find a skilled amateur who's willing to work cheap as he develops his abilities, but the old adage always applies: You get what you pay for. Make sure you're familiar with his work, so you know what to expect. If you're serious about hiring a reliable professional, we're available... but it's gonna cost you!
  5. I don't think it's a lack of effort... I think it's a lack of talent. We can't all be Captain America, after all.
  6. Well, it couldn't hold a candle to Gareth Edwards' work on the first film, but there were genuine moments of awe and wonder -- despite the perpetual storms and perpetual darkness -- but it would've been so much more fun if the CGI hadn't been obscured with particle effects and smothered in color grading. The Blu-ray supplementals show off the incredible design work that went into the visuals... ...before they were rendered invisible in the finished film. If I were this guy, I'd be royally pissed.
  7. X-Plus Gigantic Series Godzilla: King of the Monsters has suddenly reappeared on Amazon.jp, at a pre-order price ¥8000 below retail. Go go go!
  8. Agreed, but I've been known to make exceptions, when the Valk is exceptional -- the VF-0S PF, for example -- and the Chronos definitely qualifies.
  9. Well, Japanese people can be paralytically self-conscious, and wearing sunglasses is seen as a Western conceit that calls attention to yourself. I cannot speak with any authority as to the rest of Asia, however.
  10. If Rogue One or Solo are any indication, a trilogy with no Force would be better than the trilogy we're suffering through now. We can only hope The Mandalorian stays away from the Jedi as well.
  11. Japanese people rarely wear sunglasses, and only for dramatic effect; it's a fashion statement, not a practical choice. In fact, most Japanese people believe their dark brown eyes provide natural protection from the sun, and that Caucasians are much more sensitive to light... Nonetheless, on sunny days, it's not uncommon to see cyclists sporting sun visors like this one: But sunglasses? Only celebrities, usually.
  12. Not at all, no... Not the color, not the shape, and certainly not the proportions. This is what I expect an Invid Eager to look like: MEP's looks like a Matchbox toy.
  13. Why photograph it with a Toynami Alpha, when they're so clearly out of scale? Even an Invid Shock Trooper should be smaller than that, next to an Alpha. Might look okay next to an old Gakken Alpha... and would probably suit the crappy '80s toy proportions better, too.
  14. No, but it's apparently worth that much...! I'm amazed how much the BBI/Elite Force/JSI stuff has appreciated in value over the last fifteen years. My fleet must be worth a fortune!
  15. If you look at the timeline projected behind Kennedy, you can see Resistance covers a period of time encompassing all three films of the sequel trilogy.
  16. Don't be so hasty, my friend... The JSI F-14A is a considerable responsibility to take on. It represents a significant investment of money and space, and should not be bought on impulse. This is a piece to be coveted and appreciated, not locked away in a closet. A resin cast of BBI's F-18 pilot, that requires assembly and painting, and costs $100 USD shipped? Thanks, but no thanks. There's gotta be a better option than that...! I'll keep looking.
  17. You'd better believe it! Perfect for your GI Joe or Star Wars figures (which you'll probably need 'cause it doesn't include any pilots, and you're never gonna find appropriate figures for it).
  18. Score! Still untouched, after all these years.
  19. I thought The Collector and The Grandmaster were individual-packaged, but it seems retailers will only sell them as a set... So, anyone who wants both Korg and The Collector will end up paying for two Grandmaster figures.
  20. Ah, but then you get into the problem with Red Dwarf's "Better Than Life" game... which gives you the chance to live out all your fantasies (and thus, becomes excruciatingly boring after a few hours).
  21. I make it 30.8 centimeters.
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