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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Proportions aside, the size alone puts MP-5 out of the running. Why all the hate for MP-36, all of a sudden? If it weren't such a popular toy, there wouldn't be so many KO variations, would there? Mine just needed a little paint and a sticker... Now he's perfect.
  2. According to Miyauchi's tweet, Miyatake told him Titan Comics were not authorized to use his artwork.
  3. Despotron, Apollyn, Mightron, MP-36, MP-36+, MagTen, THF, IF... Talk about being spoiled for choice! And to think, just a scant four years ago, this was as close as we got to a G1 Megatron at Masterpiece scale: What a time to be a collector!
  4. Either way, it's their funeral. This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The threat of litigation could bring down the whole third-party market.
  5. Look, Zeta, I get it -- you've got to sell people on this design before they decide to order the HasTak instead -- but it's not just another third-party you're competing with this time. HasTak are desperately trying to crowdfund their figure, and you're trying to take money out of their pocket, enticing them with an unlicensed version of the same character. Do you know what "poking the bear" means?
  6. See, @vlenhoff? This is what happens when you repaint your old Hasbro toys... Despite their distinctively oversized and disproportioned cockpits, casual fans can't recognize 'em...! Not even when your coffee table and sofa are there to establish scale.
  7. That would explain why Show.Z sent me a knock-off Transformer instead...
  8. There sure were! The first couple of years of Diaclone were sci-fi based designs, but the later "Car Robots" sub-line (based on realistic, present-day vehicles) were released in the US as Transformers.
  9. I've adopted a wait-and-see approach to the MP-combiners, so all this is news to me. So far, I've only invested in the clear winners -- MMC's "Impetus," for example, or FansToys' "Roadking" -- and I realize the companies producing the most accurate individual 'bots probably won't have the best combined mode. Plus, if ToyWorld's "Constructor" is any indication, the boxset re-releases are likely to have significant improvements over the individual releases (and cost less as well), so... I really haven't bothered keeping up with the deluge of information. I'd rather wait for the flooding to recede, as it were. I imagine FansToys' Menasor will follow the same pattern, if only because nothing about "Roadking" suggests a combiner at all, not even the inclusion of a gestalt head (and because Sunbow Menasor wasn't depicted as a combiner so much as "a grey robot with cars stuck on it" anyway)... But would the same apply to Bruticus or Defensor?
  10. Not in this day-and-age, man! Anything can be found and reacquired on the secondary market, with enough patience and capital. $15K doesn't begin to cover the value of my collection. Is there a reasonable option for the über-collector...?
  11. If younger audiences can manage to do the same (as opposed to say, @peter's revulsion), the show may survive another season... The Crystal Calls? That's the title of the penultimate episode... and the documentary uses the same title?
  12. After two decades of increasingly sophisticated and endearing CGI characters, the puppets do seem quaint and old-fashioned... and emote poorly, I must admit. I don't know how much more expensive it would've been to computer-animate the characters, but I can't help but think the results would be much better-received by modern audiences than the comparatively limited puppetry. I think of how awkward the Yoda puppet looked in The Phantom Menace, and how much more effective the CGI replacement for the Blu-ray turned out to be (and how comparatively poor the Yoda puppet in The Last Jedi looked as well). Age of Resistance feels like a relic from the past, and despite the compelling story, strong characters and excellent cast, I just can't see the younger generation embracing it. I have a great deal of respect for the original film, and I'm really enjoying the new series... but modern CGI would've undoubtedly been more effective, and attracted a wider audience.
  13. I'm sure you can understand why the original film was a hard sell for Jim Henson, back in '82, when nobody knew what to expect from The Dark Crystal... ...and nearly 40 years later, there's still nothing like it. Except Age of Resistance, of course. Do you think it's more likely to find an audience in the 21st century?
  14. tekering

    Macross figures

    So that's why the DX Chogokin VF-1 pilots are so small... Bandai's been trying to make three figures fit into one pilot seat.
  15. Yeah, of course: Exactly the same mechanism applies.
  16. tekering

    Macross figures

  17. Kitz Concept finally shipped my Rick.
  18. He's only too tall because the ankle joints aren't properly imbedded in the legs. And that's an easy fix: Just Dremel the pant legs hollow to a depth of about a centimeter, and drill a new hole for the peg of the ball joint to fit into. Now he's the perfect height.
  19. I gather those thumbnails were taken at a modeling exhibit in Osaka...? Sorry, I don't read Chinese.
  20. While Legioss are plentiful, Tread are not... For aesthetics, Toynami is still your best bet. Sentinel's Legioss will undoubtably be a significant improvement, but at a significantly higher price... and a matching Tread is purely hypothetical at this point.
  21. I miss the early days of the line, incorporating classic toy detail beyond Sunbow's animation models... MP-1 is still the definitive Prime for me.
  22. I only bought the "normal" set, but here it is at 600dpi.
  23. The long-awaited Max Factory PLAMAX "minimum factory" VF-1 decal sheet ("normal" version) has proven too big to upload to this site... Instead, I'm hosting it here. I don't think it came with stickers.
  24. I assume you refer to the peeper beetle.
  25. It's still considerably less than what the original release is worth nowadays.
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