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Everything posted by tekering

  1. You assume correct. FAST packs are never seen used in atmospheric flight, as they're just not aerodynamically sound.
  2. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    The picture is for illustrative purposes only. Do not attempt to use as a toothbrush.
  3. The Scopedogs seem to be missing their parachute packs... ...but I see Prime has his. Oh, that doesn't disappoint me at all. Like Japanese G1, they're best forgotten.
  4. Looking a little prematurely gray there, "Dad..." I realize it's only 30 seconds of clips, but the lack of content from Animated or Prime is disappointing.
  5. I think Yamato's still deserve a place of honor among Bandai's DX Valkyries.
  6. Most of this has been decoded for us on YakFace.com.
  7. Yeah, FansToys figures hew much closer to the animation models, whereas X-Transbots Stunticons are much more G1 toy homages. They're both extremely nostalgic!
  8. Yeah, the PLAMAX kits are bigger, come with Super/Strike parts, and cost a fraction of the price.
  9. I'm sure they have their reasons for using international couriers, but that's absurdly expensive. Japan Post has much more reasonable rates for overseas packages. Well, if there's any interest, I'd be happy to take my kit down to the post office and get accurate shipping quotes. I can get further kits shipped to me here free of charge from Amazon.jp (there's still retail stock available), so you'd only have to cover the retail cost plus overseas shipping via surface mail, airmail, SAL, or EMS.
  10. I don't see how that's possible, given the ending of the series. Any fan of The Dark Crystal knows that the Garthim exterminated all the Gelfling, so depicting their creation by skekTek pretty much wraps up the backstory to the film. Would you expect another ten episodes would be made, just to dramatize the Gelfling purge? The Dark Crystal: Age of Extinction?
  11. No, this one comes in a shipper, too.
  12. Looks like the first 1500 were the mistake, and the next 1500 were the apology.
  13. Now THAT's what I call a premium finish!
  14. Yes! Achievement unlocked! I've been wanting -- nay, needing this rare bird ever since I became aware of its existence: It's proven difficult to find (at least, at a decent price), but my collection wouldn't be complete without it!
  15. A little smaller, actually... The dimensions are different, correct. Fighter: 68 x 55 x 37cm Gerwalk: 72 x 58 x 44cm
  16. National holidays don't mean much here, unless you're a civil servant. I received postal deliveries this morning; a courier brought my Amazon package this afternoon; I even had university classes to teach today.
  17. Are you paying attention, Tatsunoko? Do you see the potential, Mr. Aramaki? 'Cause we sure as hell do. The music was a little jarring, especially since the character was speaking Japanese... But we must remember, Robotech isn't a dirty word in Spanish.
  18. I'm so glad Bandai stuck with the VF-1J grey for Max's 1A... So much nicer than Yamato's shock-white.
  19. That Xenomorph right there, which is clearly based on the suits used in Aliens... except the skull's not exposed.
  20. He was an integral part of DS9, up to and including this year's documentary What We Left Behind.
  21. I just acquired one of these working 1:24 scale arcade cabinets... I love it! With several other games available in the line, I might end up buying a whole lot more.
  22. I very badly wanted to love King of the Monsters, but it puts me to sleep every single time. "Mediocrity" is exactly how I'd describe it, which is a huge step down from Michael Dougherty's previous work (and Gareth Edwards' as well, of course). Mind you, if you look back at its most direct antecedent, 三大怪獣 地球最大の決戦 (Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster), it's a miracle that KotM turned out as well as it did...! Suffice it to say, there are many, many worse Godzilla films, including the ones featuring Ghidorah.
  23. Care to see pictures of the fighter kit as well? Since most of the runners are identical to the gerwalk kit (including the inaccurate backpack), I've only photographed the unique sprues for this release: These leg parts, for example, are obviously specific to fighter mode (specific to legs in fighter mode with FAST pack attachments, in fact). The landing gear bays are full of sculpted detail... ...but for a kit of this size, it's not very impressive. While the gerwalk kit included an array of stickers representing Fokker's VF-1S (Skull 1), the fighter kit comes with stickers for both Hikaru's VF-1A (Skull 11) and VF-1S (Skull 1) variants. Anything else you want to see pictures of?
  24. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, that's the MegaHouse -- a totally different line, from a totally different manufacturer, at a totally different scale. I mean, I'm not one to tell people how to display their toys, but.... seriously?
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