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Everything posted by tekering

  1. No, check the date on the image. It was 14 years ago. πŸ˜…
  2. Wow, great to see there's still interest in the ol' SDF-1. 😲 My inkjet printer is slowly dying, and I don't think I'll be able to print custom decals any more... πŸ’€ However, I bought an SLA resin printer last month, and the detail it's capable of is stunning. 🀩 So as you can see, I've got a ton of new modeling projects to distract me. πŸ˜…
  3. That seems unlikely, seeing as we don't even have pics of a painted prototype for the pilot figure... I have no interest whatsoever in this Regult toy, but I really want that Zentraedi soldier! 🀀
  4. Usually, but not always. Hey! You forgot the best one! The Party Wagon from Nickelodeon's 2012 series is the only one based on a Volkswagen van. 😎
  5. I'm both honoured and flattered to see some of my suggestions have again been incorporated into your design. πŸ₯° Mind the gap, Cap! πŸ˜… Any plans to address that? πŸ€” I realize you're somewhat hamstrung by your design philosophy, but I'd hoped you could figure out a more practical way to attach the arms... Just as I feared, that shoulder connection looks precarious at best. 😬 Finally, any way to add "skin" to those bony hands? πŸ’€
  6. Surprisingly, it shows there's still interest in Disney Star Wars (despite how audiences responded to Ahsoka, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and The Book of Boba Fett)... 😢 ...as opposed to Disney Marvel, whose Secret Invasion and Echo series were all-but ignored by general audiences. πŸ˜’ Perhaps Deadpool and Wolverine will manage to buck the trend... πŸ€” It will surely earn more than The Mandalorian and Grogu will. 🀨
  7. Actually, this is a script from Mospeada.
  8. Thanks, Cap! Looking forward to next Friday. πŸ˜‹ Okay, I can do that. 😊 Okay, I can do that. ☺️
  9. Now you have a great review of a toy no one else has reviewed on YouTube, rather than a review for the relevant toy everybody else has already reviewed. I'd say your reviews of vintage toys have more intrinsic value, owing to what little information exists elsewhere.
  10. I don't think I've ever been so excited seeing a project of yours coming together, Cap'n. You continue to demonstrate how much better you are than anyone else at this sort of thing, even those with advanced CAD skills. Each update is more impressive than the last. 🀩 Fossil fuels are in particularly short supply on Glorie, after all. πŸ˜’ Will the figure be able to hold the rifle with both hands? Incredible, seeing this coming together so quickly. 😲 Hopefully, you'll take the time to address these issues... That channel is much too wide, I think. πŸ€” It's usually just a pencil-thin line. I'm not sure you've captured the shape of the support autocannon... 🀨 It should taper in more at the ends, it should be more recessed into the housing, and the tip segments are missing. 😢 One issue I didn't mention earlier was the oblong jellybean on either side of the front fairing cover. Yours seems a bit too fat and wide. As for the rifle unit in stowage configuration, I see a couple areas that could be improved. The end is clearly truncated, and the round portion above it should be conical, rather than dome-shaped. The rifle looks overly large and bulky compared to the line art, mostly because it isn't as recessed into the front fairing. Could the shape be altered so it conforms more closely to the cover, allowing it to sit a little flatter...? Perhaps a larger indentation in the cover would allow the rifle to sit lower. I must admit, however, that you've already done a far better job than MEP, MAAS, or even Dyson Max managed with the stowed rifle. So close, so maddeningly close to perfection now... 😭
  11. Excellent advice! I've taken commissions and chased "third-party perfection" myself, so I know where you're coming from. Of course, there's no need to patronize Captain America, since he's been actualizing what feels/looks right to him for two decades now. ☺️ It's lazy and disingenuous (but all too common) to criticize mecha design based on animation inconsistencies. Ammonite may not have provided Tatsunoko with enough reference art for the animators to understand exactly how to depict their designs back in the day, but there's more than enough visual material available for us now to determine exactly how the Spartas is supposed to look. It's not my subjective idea of perfection (nor is it anyone else's); it's the way the design was intended to be depicted, regardless of who was drawing it. This is a Super Dimension series, not some Transformers cartoon. Show Ammonite some respect. Now, if you're arguing coloration or relative scaling, then it's easy to fault inconsistent animation there. 😀
  12. That's most gracious of you, Cap'n. It's an honour and a privilege to be contributing to this project, however minor my contributions may be. By the way, the new head is fabulous work, 9/10. I knew you could do it! Robot mode is looking precisely as it should. Now, let's talk about transport mode, shall we? The front fairing has a sharp downward curve, much more prominently visible in the animation than in the few control drawings the line-art provides: The shape of the nose is one area where previous fan designs (and even Matchbox) have bested you. Again, I'm nitpicking an incomplete prototype, but the shape of your nose is all wrong here. It's blunt and foreshortened, and for some reason the dorsal surface rises sharply to form a flat plane. 🀨 How did that happen? Next, I'm happy to see the shoulder joint has the familiar inset circle and triangular wedge visible, but why have you got rectangular blocks protruding from both sides? I surely hope that's not how you're intending to attach the arms. Not only does it look wrong, it's not going to hold the weight of the arms, much less support any articulation. πŸ˜’ I know you like to innovate, but I'm sure you can come up with a more elegant solution (even if it requires cheating). πŸ˜‰ Finally, you're reinventing the wheel again... I realize those crab-like claws sticking out of the front are intended to provide more ankle articulation in the legs, but they don't look right in robot mode and seriously malign the look of the Sniping Clapper. Please, at least consider providing optional parts for a flatter, more anime-accurate appearance. As always, I don't mean to be overly critical, but since I'm the only one providing any constructive feedback I feel compelled to point out every issue I see. I know you can do better, and I'm trying to help you achieve your potential here.
  13. That's neither necessary nor viable, but I do expect a certain degree of parts-swapping. I thought we'd be getting a model that shares most of the core components between modes, but would have specific parts for specific display options, like so many other Moscato kits have included. I certainly wouldn't expect either of the heads or hands to be used in transport or cannon mode, for example; instead, there will be separate parts that look like retracted hands for those modes (parts that will not be required if you're building the robot). Is it unreasonable of me to expect a properly-scaled, dedicated backpack piece for robot mode, along with the dedicated hands and head parts? I just don't see why we need to be compromising accuracy for transformation, when the model won't actually be transformable. 🀨
  14. On the contrary, Max Factory's new 1:72 Battroid is proof that accurate anime proportions can be perfectly carried over into a 3D form. You're simply constrained by the same mindset that our erstwhile Cap'n seems to be labouring under, in that you're considering the need to accommodate the other modes. We've all seen the CAD models and the 3D-printed prototypes MAAS and MEP failed to produce, and many of us had that Matchbox toy back in the day. We all know the compromises necessary to produce figures that transform, and it's easy to get stuck in that paradigm. But this isn't a transformable toy. The advantage to a model kit (especially a fan-produced garage kit) is the freedom to incorporate that fudging in the artwork, resulting in a more anime-style figure that properly reflects what we grew up watching on TV. That's what I was expecting when this project was announced. I'm just trying to get us back on track.
  15. Thanks for keeping the lines of communication open, Cap'! My financial investment in this project is negligible compared to my emotional investment in the Spartas, so I really appreciate having your ear (and given the number of likes my previous comment received, I'm clearly not the only one). ☺️ Perhaps I misinterpreted your intentions for this figure. Will this be transformable after all? I was expecting a model with specific parts to accurately represent each mode, not one that makes aesthetic compromises for the sake of transformation. 🀨 Now I'm certain I misinterpreted your intentions for this figure. πŸ˜’ If I may assume the form of King Hamlet's ghost: "This visitation / Is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose" (Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 4). You're obviously enjoying the engineering challenge this mecha represents, but I fear you may be heading in the wrong direction. We're not asking you to redesign the Spartas, much less the vintage toy. If the backpack depicted in "Battle Sniper" mode is too large to fit in "Sniping Clapper" mode, then give us a smaller piece to take its place if we want to build that mode. I do realize there's a limited amount of resin allotted to the production of each kit (and silicon molds aren't cheap, either), so you want to keep the parts count down... but parts-swapping is unavoidable when adapting hand-drawn mecha. Even the most sophisticated Valkyrie toy requires swapping out the hands to look decent; and since looking decent is the primary purpose of any garage kit, the compromises you're making may be inappropriate. This is precisely how the animators interpreted the line art, for the entire production run of the series. Erroneous American toys are an irrelevant distraction at best, a ruinous disaster at worst. 😬
  16. Almost everything, but at the risk of once again criticizing a work-in-progress, I have to ask... Why is your backpack so small, thin and insubstantial? Furthermore, it looks like you've tried to reproduce the head of the Matchbox Hover Tank toy, rather than the Southern Cross Spartas design... Perhaps some official promotional artwork can inspire you further...? Please take my comments in the spirit of constructive feedback, and remember I'm your biggest fan... ...so I know you're capable of reproducing the look of the heads from the anime, once you've scrapped your first attempt and started over from scratch.
  17. Man, I love these updates. Ingenious work on the elbows, Cap'; reminiscent of the approach you took with the Biopsycher. Yes, there are large verniers mounted in there, visible in several episodes. Presumably, they allow the Spartas to hop around in "Walker Cannon" mode, and launch into the air when transforming to "Battle Sniper." Looking really good! My only concern is the sharp corners on the chest block, an all-too-common mistake seen in VHT toy designs. I'm sure you'll be rounding down those edges just as you have the abdomen panels. ☺️ Thanks for taking the time to keep us drooling! 🀀
  18. That's a shock, given what an amazing job he did with his TASC Marie figure...
  19. Will the pilot figure be a 1st/2nd Lieutenant, Sergeant/NCO or Corporal/Private? ☺️
  20. Even the gore of the chestburster scene was considerably reduced after early test screenings; the assembly cut was much bloodier. Watch it, if you dare! πŸ˜…
  21. Can't be done... ...at least, not by Hasbro. 🀨 Twelve years later, and still reigns supreme.
  22. Good news! I found a much better Logan model... at half the price! 😊 This one's not quite perfect, either -- it's fighter-mode only, and entirely lacks a cockpit -- but I can use MaxLab's "Wolverine" cockpit and articulated limbs to Frankenstein a much more accurate kit.
  23. You know, seeing the transformation demonstrated on YouTube, I was excited by the potential of producing my own Logan and purchased the files for myself... ...but now, after seeing photos on Facebook and comparing them to the lineart, I'm experiencing considerable buyer's remorse. πŸ€• I first assumed the model looked poor because it was made on a low-rez FDM printer, as opposed to a proper SLA resin printer designed for miniatures. It's a terrible decision that reflects badly on the designer, but that doesn't mean the design itself is poor... except now, being able to examine the files in 3D software, I can see all the geometrical discrepancies and misshapen proportions. It's fat where it should be lean, and lean where it should be fat, and a lot of the angles are wrong. Frustratingly, most of the inaccuracies have nothing to do with engineering, either, as they'd have no bearing on transformation. 🀨 It actually looks like a Logan toy designed 40 years ago, if Takutoku or Matchbox had tried to produce one. Perhaps the designer wanted to capture that "retro toy" look...? πŸ€” Regardless, i guess I'll just have to teach myself how to do 3D modelling. πŸ™„
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