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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Sure it could be worse. Just look at any of Michael Bay's Transformers films. Waiting for Godzilla to show up in a Godzilla movie is just like waiting for the Transformers to show up in a Transformers movie, isn't it? I just hope Godzilla vs. Kong isn't as po-faced as King of the Monsters was. Toho knew it was a stupid concept way back in '62, and had the common sense to treat it like the goofy comedy it was...
  2. I think you'll find Sentinel's bikes are compatible with a wide variety of action figure lines... ...including TBLeague's seamless 1:12 figures.
  3. The real tragedy is watching "The Beginning" (the feature-length documentary which chronicles the making of The Phantom Menace in great detail) and seeing a much better child actor make it to the final audition round... only to be passed over in favor of Lloyd because he was less "consistent." Still, I find Lloyd's performance to be much more palatable than Hayden Christensen's.
  4. Those side fillers on the 1S make a big difference.
  5. That CGI is awfully poor. I never would've thought, in this day and age, to see animatronics more convincing than CGI.
  6. So Minmei was released last year... ...Rick was released this year... ...and Lisa is coming next year... ...so with Roy ahead of her in the cue, we won't see Chinese dress Minmei until 2022. I have to agree.
  7. Christ, it's beautiful. Thanks, Bobby. [ . . . ] Wait... it's smaller than the Yamato? Why's the box so stupidly huge?
  8. Rami Malek could make for an interesting antagonist. I just hope they don't saddle him with a British accent again.
  9. I've really been looking forward to this one, dude. Please keep posting pics! Looks like the missile hatches, the Strike cannons, and the head is articulated, eh?
  10. Let the retrofitting commence! First I needed to repaint that visor, to conceal those ugly lines inscribed on the interior. I didn't have any clear green on hand, so I just sprayed clear blue over a metallic gold base... Different paint, same result. Then I started to replace components on the cowling with more familiar Mospeada elements (like the amber windscreen, taken from the vintage model kit). The micro-missile covers were removed, sanded flat, repainted, and then reattached to the front. Substantial disassembly will be required before further progress can be made.
  11. The Legioss isn't great... but it's a damn sight better than that ride armor.
  12. I think that's why it's been so well-received by the fandom. The sequel trilogy's gotten bogged-down with legacy characters, the overarching mythos of the force, and "SJW" politics, whereas The Mandalorian -- like Rogue One before it -- is just ordinary folks with blasters (and the occasional droid or Imperial Walker thrown in). Plus, like the original Star Wars, it's just borrowing the trappings of science fiction to retell much older stories.
  13. Well, the canopy wouldn't be off while the ship's in flight, of course... Naturally. That's right. They're from X-Base. Apparently, they're even waterproof!
  14. Oh man, that Shogo figure is hilarious. Looks just like this: What a wacky toy this Fewture Garland is turning out to be!
  15. So, I had one more optional detail to photograph before the final contest deadline: See the little hole I drilled below the muzzle of the gunpod? That's for attaching the bayonet. I mean, what feature of the VF-11 is more iconic, right? I've also taken the time to complete the beautiful Hasegawa fighter kit: I coordinated the build with the battroid resin kit, using the same paints and decals to match the battroid as closely as possible... ...so of course, I installed matching LEDs into the FAST pack boosters. The kit falls outside the scope of this contest, of course, but I always intended to build the two VF-11s together... ...and I keep them on display together because I think they complement each other extremely well.
  16. Language barriers and cultural misunderstandings aside, reading stuff like this makes me glad I live in Japan. I assume you've reported his conduct to the proper authorities?
  17. Gotta love those saddlebags! I have. It was a bit of a pain. Explanations and photographs were required.
  18. That was me, and I'll be happy to try the same with the VF-1S: Came off in seconds. Plus, unlike the YF-19 tampo, the white lettering here was painted over a solid black surface.
  19. I'd say skip it even if you haven't. Nothing of any consequence happens, and it ends exactly as it began. Plus, you wouldn't have to suffer through a story so stale (and a setting so dull) even Star Trek did it better.
  20. I was kinda hoping Yellow would be significantly taller...
  21. Aoshima's VFG model kits are 40% off at Amazon.jp: VF-31J (MC-01) VF-31J (MC-02) VF-31D (MC-05)
  22. Disney is desperately trying to remind us that Star Wars was once relevant. "Come back! We're not finished! Sure, all your beloved heroes are dead except Lando and the droids, but... Billy Dee Williams is back! And it's still Anthony Daniels in the suit...!"
  23. Oh, it's diecast. That explains the thick paint, the weight, and the associated shipping cost... It's also a terrible idea for a transformable toy, of course. I'm definitely looking forward to the review, @jenius.
  24. @sh9000 posts random stuff from the Internet on a regular basis, without any context, and somebody invariably always asks if it's his work...
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