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Everything posted by tekering

  1. The covers aren't even removable, man. Sure, yeah. Oh, I see where you're going with this...
  2. Nice to finally have a complete DX Skull-001. It's really difficult to assume the iconic two-handed pose, however, because the armor on the arms is so long, it leaves no clearance for the micro-missile pods...
  3. Yes, the reissue shipped earlier this month.
  4. I'm very happy with how well this week's acquisitions scale with my N-gauge city diorama... An epic showdown is imminent!
  5. Oh, his camouflage scheme looks more like a remedial art school project.
  6. Bandai knows what sells, I guess. While this will be much too big for an HM-R display, I'd get one anyway... even if you have no intention of building it. You can always sell it off if-and-when you decide you don't want it, and likely make a profit for your trouble.
  7. The same analogy can be applied to a host of recent sequels, reboots and spin-offs... and that's the real danger of appealing to nostalgia. You're treading on "holy ground" for many. That's usually the case with any show, of course, and yet some of them build up impossible expectations based on decades-old first impressions... leading to inevitable disappointment and fan backlash. Star Wars is likely the worst offender in this category... with Star Trek a close second.
  8. Aside from the undersized Shogo figure (which is admittedly, a problem with every transformable Garland toy), the Arcadia is perfect. Can't wait for their Photo-Garland to ship!
  9. The figure's based on the Part III costume, so that was my poor attempt to homage the 3D gimmick. I placed lots of little LEDs to provide the appropriate lighting.
  10. Where's the pre-order?
  11. Just her, but the original four moto-slaves were identical, just color-coded for each of the four girls... so I'm painting one for each of the Atelier Sai hardsuit figures to ride.
  12. Here's wishing everyone a safe and happy Friday the 13th.
  13. The Decepticons in Age of Extinction weren't Transformers at all, they were colonies of nanobots that could form any object at will. Your "primitive mind" understands the core concept of the brand much better than Michael Bay or Ehren Kruger ever will.
  14. But these aren't toys, and they aren't marketed to boys. Kitz Concept labels them as "collectibles," and they're sold to adult males, who typically prefer female characters... especially in Japan.
  15. No transformable motorcycle fan should be without one! I actually own four of those kits.
  16. "Inevitable?" You're certainly optimistic!
  17. If this actually happens, it will be the first time in history that the fourth film of two successful franchises -- both starring the same actor -- are released on the same day.
  18. That's correct. JJ looked at everything they'd shot with Carrie but hadn't used back in 2015, and wrote new scenes around her dialogue to incorporate the footage into Episode 9.
  19. Heat the area with a hair dryer, and see if the mark fades. They usually do. If it doesn't, you'll know the piece is under significant stress.
  20. I don't like any of the VF-31 head designs, but they're a damn sight better than those hideous Jet Troopers. Yuck. Plus, the visibility must really suck in those helmets.
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