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Everything posted by tekering

  1. I got that beat... I removed the doors (and one perpendicular side) from each of these Detolf knock-offs, and used them as shelves to bridge the two showcases. This way, I've effectively quadrupled the display space. Is there anything more beautiful that virgin shelves?
  2. I just reached in and twisted out my springs with a pair of needle-nosed pliers. No need to be any more invasive than that.
  3. My trick, from the very beginning, was to treat Discovery as part of the Kelvin timeline. It's impossible to accept as a TOS prequel, but it fits right in with the pacing, the visual aesthetic, the characterization of Spock, and the revisionist take on the Federation presented in J.J.'s Trek films.
  4. I like the cute little girl in the "7G" T-shirt, but she just barely fits into "maneuver slave" mode... How's an adult male supposed to pilot that? Usually, I complain that the pilot figure's too small; this time, it's the bike that's too small.
  5. You mean the so-called "Bioroid Terminator?" God, that name is wrong in so many ways it makes my head hurt.
  6. Much appreciated, @nhyone! Thanks for the translation and summary. Incidentally, a company presents itself to the public using "PR," and "marketing" is how they present their products. "Propaganda" concerns social or political ideology, not toy robots.
  7. You have a twisted sense of humor.
  8. Do you mean to suggest the Fast and Furious movies were intended for adults?
  9. Expectations of continuity or character consistency should be tempered with the knowledge that both the films and the AO series are explicitly set in an "alternate universe" that has no bearing on the events of the original Eureka Seven. They're no more canon than DYRL or Macross II.
  10. Except when Michelle Paradise took over ("Project Daedalus"), and suddenly the bridge crew were all buddy-buddy in the mess hall... just long enough to convince us that Airiam's death would have an emotional impact.
  11. Top five Picard episodes: "The Inner Light" "Tapestry" "Darmok" "Sarek" "Chain of Command, Part II"
  12. I found the entire 172-episode run of Voyager to be profoundly forgettable, so I had to look that one up -- and I still don't remember it! -- but it was apparently one of the 10 best episodes of the series, according to TrekNews.net.
  13. The girls appear to have been re-cast with different actresses... EVA-01 appears to be Venom, wearing kit-bashed Gundam cosplay armor.
  14. You mean you pre-ordered this knock-off Optimus Prime, but then cancelled your KO OP PO? OMG! Now I can't unsee it. You mean Spark Toy's "Alpha Pack?" I agree, but it was closer to CHUG scale... ...and these days, third-party figures are either Masterpiece- or Legends-scale. Plus, it hasn't been on the market for years.
  15. You obviously didn't watch the video. Lucky you. 19:01 "I didn't want to use any paints at all for when I was building this kit." 19:56 "I didn't want to bust out any paints. Didn't want to use any paints at all." 22:54 "Nothing on this kit is painted." That alone should indicate how lazy and amateurish this "review" is, and I suspect he spent as little time making the kit as he did preparing his video. It doesn't even begin to explain how someone who claims to live in Japan could have such a poor grasp of Japanese pronunciation, however. Those of us who have suffered through the ADV dubs will recognize the grating sound of "Muh-CROSS," but I'd never heard anyone say "Tuh-MEE-ya" before...
  16. That's the advantage of miniatures, see: Scale is relative to how you choose to display it. You can put your Legioss with an appropriately-sized figure for an accurate sense of scale... ...or next to a smaller-scale figure to make it look giant... ...or even with something so wildly off-scale that it looks positively humungous. The choice is yours! You're only limited by your imagination. ...And the other figures in your toy collection, of course.
  17. Oh, they looked that way in the show, too... but the fingers weren't so flesh-colored.
  18. At least he fits in a Detolf... No such luck with Lewin's "Atlas."
  19. Actually, a Hi-Metal R Valkyrie in battroid is exactly 160mm, to the tip of the head lasers. Sentinel's Legioss will be smaller than Toynami's, Aoshima's, or CM's were.
  20. Well, I have been known to make brief exceptions... ...but yeah, I learned first-hand the damage the sun can do. My vintage Valks suffered as badly as my vintage Stormtroopers did. Sunlight has been completely banished from my toy rooms for nearly two decades now.
  21. Certainly not. Yamato's off-white plastic will always look ivory next to the blueish-grey hue of Bandai's DX, but none of my Yammies show signs of yellowing. My vintage 1:55, on the other hand...
  22. So, after the release of this trailer, are we expecting another two-year delay? It sure doesn't look like they've changed much... and the CG compositing work looks like shite.
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