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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Temper your expectations, my friend. This new series looks (and sounds) a helluva lot more like the Prime Wars Trilogy, aka a steaming pile of crap. I mean, they couldn't even get Peter Cullen?
  2. Well, I found "Stardust City Rag" as cringe-worthy as I was expecting, but in a *completely* different manner. Certainly, attempts at humor were mercifully brief. Despite some familiar characters and techno-jargon, however, Picard no longer resembles Star Trek in any way, shape or form... The producers of this series ought to expect a visitation from the vengeful ghost of Gene Roddenberry, The Grudge-style.
  3. There were a lot of shots I didn't recognize, but -- given how quickly the film faded from my memory -- I cannot confirm whether any of them were in the final cut. The Rise of Skywalker made no lasting impression on me whatsoever. The Last Jedi pissed me off, but at least it didn't BORE me...
  4. Sellers on Yahoo! Japan Auctions can't move the Dark Legioss for even half of their retail price... There's just no demand for 'em.
  5. And have you seen the insane aftermarket prices on Amazon.jp? You can't get an Evolution Toy Zeta for under ¥200,000!
  6. Honestly, it wasn't. They weren't called "woke" or "social justice warriors," but most depictions of racial diversity and gender equality were far more transparently obvious (and blatantly political) than they are today. We just didn't bitch and whine about it on social media... because there was no social media, of course.
  7. Robert Forster is surprisingly active, for a dead guy. His posthumous performance in El Camino was extremely well-received, and he'll apparently be reprising the role in an upcoming episode of Better Call Saul later this year... after his starring role in "Dynoman and The Volt" next month. I'll bet he and Carrie Fisher are having a good laugh about it right now.
  8. Schwarzenegger made a lot of sci-fi films in the '80s, but I didn't know he played Boba Fett... BTW, love the Misty May.
  9. Depends on your skill with a paintbrush...
  10. Jackman himself addressed this question when promoting Logan on The Graham Norton Show. Sorry, I still haven't learned how to imbed YouTube videos, but the discussion starts 9 min. into the video.
  11. That looks like the most Wes Anderson film Wes Anderson has ever made.
  12. Some of the funniest stuff from TOS came out of such scenarios ("A Piece of the Action" immediately springs to mind), and some of the most haunting (like "Return of the Archons"). TNG had some solid examples as well (notably "First Contact" and "Unification"), but too many pointless holodeck adventures. Nothing similar from Voyager, DS9 or Enterprise comes to mind -- not that I considered any of those series particularly memorable -- but I'm pretty certain, just from the next episode teaser alone, that Picard ep.5 is going to be the worst hour of Star Trek since "Run Along Home."
  13. Another detailed, informative, and well-photographed review! Much appreciated, as always. That seems like a pretty major oversight...! Mind you, folding up "Capone" and hiding him in behind "Attila" hardly seems necessary, any more than it was for Zeta's "Kronos" Superion (whose "Silver Arrow," of course, is completely superfluous). I don't follow the fandom as closely as I used to, so I can't comment on the majority... but personally, I've fallen headlong into both patterns: I bought ToyWorld's "Constructor" for a large, solid Devastator that looks the part, and the Unite Warriors Constructicons for their more accurate individual 'bots. I bought Zeta's "Kronos" for a large, solid Superion that looks the part, and I'm buying FansToys' Aerialbots for their more accurate individual 'bots. I bought Zeta's "Bruticon" for a large, solid Bruticus that looks the part, and I'm buying MMC's Combaticons for their more accurate individual 'bots. I bought FansToys' "Roadking" for a standalone Motormaster with a complete trailer, and X-Transbots' Stunticons for their accurately-sized individual 'bots. So I'm buying multiple versions AND mixing and matching sets. Yeah, I'm gonna sit this one out and wait for your recommendation when the dust settles. It's not like I have the space for another 'bot as it is, much less a Masterpiece combiner...!
  14. You mean the one Stig abandoned in the first episode? Or the one Jim found at Point K?
  15. I hope Matchbox makes more Macross merchandise!
  16. Don't sweat it, they're all that way.
  17. It's not a sequel... it's a remake.
  18. Mike, did you happen to notice the swing-out hinges on the back cannons? Also, you neglected to mention the sides of his arms, which are a solid olive color just like the animation model... ...something no Onslaught toy has ever managed to replicate before.
  19. Up to now, Legioss toys have always favored the Armo-Soldier, at the expense of the fighter mode. This one -- finally! -- prioritizes the Armo-Fighter proportions.
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