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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Thanks to so many of your wonderful suggestions, I've attempted to incorporate different shades and off-color panels to enhance the level of detail: I'm not sure if I want every surface covered, or how well it will show up in the darker areas, but I'm very pleased with how it's looking on the Hasegawa kit so far. In the meantime, I've built up the sides on the Matchbox Daedalus with styrene, hollowed out the interior and scratch-built a prow hatch: It's starting to look more like the ship I remember from the anime. Now to figure out a hinge mechanism...!
  2. So, Jungle sent me a 1:48 Yamato Valkyrie a couple weeks back. The toy is in great shape, but upon removing it from the tray... ...I noticed a bunch of dead bugs under it. And under the tray as well. Be aware, there may be bugs in the Jungle. I'm making one right now... I've decided to go with a Rebel Alliance color scheme for it, but I liked the look of the flat matte base coat so much I photographed it before the primary color gets applied. Shadow Thunderfighter!
  3. Wow, TakaraTomy. You've really outdone yourself! That's the easiest pass yet.
  4. Thanks for sharing, @sh9000! I'm looking forward to more.
  5. Well it's certainly an improvement -- there's no denying that -- but I'm surprised you didn't at least straighten out those shoulder cannons, Mog...
  6. Takara has been sacrificing the robot mode for the sake of the alt. mode since before they were called Transformers.
  7. There are a couple of Shockwave toys visible as set decoration in Aliens: And of course, Starscream appears as a toy in Top Gun.
  8. Bandai's Hi-Metal R VF-4G. They absolutely nailed the battroid mode! Exactly as it appears in the anime. What?
  9. Not exactly... Most of the relevant line art isn't colored, of course, but the first 24 pages are in color (amounting to 15% of the book). Buy the book, @roboemo! It's full of the sort of reference material you're likely to find useful in your art projects. In episode 23, Shinobu Takeuchi of the 36th Moon Base Squad arrives with the 2nd Liberation Force. Her equipment, however, sports the ubiquitous Mars Base logo.
  10. Having grown up with Ewoks and Droids, I couldn't possibly have imagined a world where cartoons like Clone Wars and Rebels would be so much better than Star Wars movies...
  11. If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well... If it's not worth doing, give it to Rimmer. Nope, just real-world logic. The smaller, the better. Honestly, at this scale, there shouldn't be visible panel lines at all... but if they're too small to be visible, what's the point of doing the work?
  12. Indeed, I've given some serious thought to getting laser-cut stencils custom-made for masking purposes, since (as recent efforts have proven) doing it by hand is labor-intensive and ultimately ineffective... The feedback and encouragement is always appreciated.
  13. So, I've been experimenting with a way to give those flat, featureless portions of the hull a greater sense of scale... Still using the Hasegawa as a guinea pig, I tried the ol' ILM approach, with intersecting lines and raised panels. This is how the Star Destroyer studio models were detailed. Unfortunately, the results looked crude and sloppy, so I abandoned the analog approach and decided to rely on digital tools instead. I created this pattern in Photoshop, and printed it onto clear decal paper. This is far more detailed than what I could do by hand. The results were definitely more encouraging this time.
  14. Who's that playing a video game in your VF-1 cockpit? It's the Plamax gerwalk kit; the grossly inaccurate backpack is a dead giveaway... So is the Plamax gerwalk box it's sitting on top of.
  15. I have faith in Kathleen Kennedy. She always hires the most competent of directors... ...and then fires them before their Star Wars films are completed. I have faith she will gut Taika Waititi's film, and the result will be as bland as Solo or The Rise of Skywalker.
  16. Now I wish I'd bought another Clone Wars Y-Wing back in the day, so I could paint it up in that blue-striped 501st paint scheme... Much nicer than the original yellow, if you ask me.
  17. I just can't get over how quickly you've done all that, Mog. I'm still blending edges and scribing panel lines, and I'm nowhere near ready for painting...
  18. No Millennium Falcon, no Jabba the Hutt, no Imperial Stormtroopers, even...! Obviously they thought D-0 was more important.
  19. Thanks for the laugh, @jvmacross! I needed that. To be fair, that flimsy torso snapped with less applied force than it took to rotate the thighs! Still, I'd forgotten what a crappy-looking Hovertank it was. I'm still hoping that someone, someday, makes a decent-looking toy or model kit... but nobody with any talent seems to have tackled the project thus far.
  20. Yeah, of course. It directly references Jim Cameron's creature design from Aliens. It's definitely my favorite Kubrick line.
  21. It's gonna look something like this... And, under low lighting, more like this... ...provided I can figure out where to mount a battery pack so it remains accessible.
  22. It's videos like this, using scenes from the three trilogies together, that really throws the dichotomy into sharp relief. You see clips from A New Hope, and the nostalgia feels hit you... and then shots from The Phantom Menace, and you cringe... and then images from The Force Awakens, and your brain says "wait, that's not right." I mean, as much as the prequel trilogy sucked, it's still Star Wars, and that's ingrained in us now. But Disney's sequel trilogy just... isn't. I know, they're officially canon -- Lucasfilm is Disney's property, and there's no denying it -- but I just can't accept it. There's, like, a mental block there. Is it just me?
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