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Everything posted by tekering

  1. I remember when a significant portion of the fanbase were saying the same about Enterprise back in 2001... I'll bet they'd have been far more forgiving if they'd known just how far the apple would fall from the tree in the decades that followed. The Kelvin timeline? Discovery? Picard? Knowing the depths the franchise has sunk to, we should've fought a lot harder to #SaveEnterprise back in 2005.
  2. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Especially with a few additional markings...
  3. Neither, dude. It's just a forced perspective composition, with the Legioss considerably closer to camera.
  4. Same reason we got the T70 X-Wings, and the First Order TIE fighters, and Threepio's red arm... Use all those designs the fans remember and love, just change them enough to piss those fans off.
  5. Forget about it. Worst comes to worst, they leave you negative feedback for deadbeat bidding. No big loss.
  6. Crazy scalper prices there.
  7. Five minutes, by my count. About the same as Max's VF-1A.
  8. Oh, I didn't realize Super 7 had moved on to Southern Cross. That AJAC would fit right in with their ReAction line.
  9. You're welcome.
  10. Wow, that may be the worst DeLorean toy I've ever seen.
  11. I enjoyed much of Discovery, at least as its own "alternate universe" thing. It's unacceptable as canon Star Trek, but it fits with the wanna-be Star Wars aesthetic of the Kelvin timeline films. Picard, on the other hand, has too much of the legitimate Star Trek cast to pretend it's anything other than a nonsensical fanfic written and directed by tone-deaf hacks. Which is to say, Discovery is as palatable as The Force Awakens... and Picard is as excretable as The Rise of Skywalker.
  12. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, we wish they'd have kept releasing HMR Macross, too.
  13. I would've preferred that route -- like with modern Valkyrie toys -- where a variety of pre-posed hands could be swapped out for greater display options...
  14. It's a metal joint, so the easiest way to take the tension off is to cause it to contract. Stick it in your freezer for a while; that should help. I'm familiar with 墓場の画廊, of course, but I can never resist an opportunity to make fun of Google Translate! Seriously, machine translation that can parse Japanese is still decades away.
  15. Oh, that's right. The marking guide. I guess that does sort of make them TV-specific, then. Cheers, JVM.
  16. Other than the obnoxious Tyrone Magnus (from the YouTube video posted above), of course. He's "very excited."
  17. I'm just wondering why those "VF" markings would be considered TV-specific, since Takatoku put those stickers on their Strike Valkyries as well...
  18. Oh, I'm totally down for this. Internal LEDs would be perfect for the Unicorn, and I love the MG scale. Lemme check the link... ¥23,000? For a 1:100 Gunpla model kit requiring assembly, paint and decal application? Frak that noise, Bandai.
  19. I checked with the Graveyard Gallery on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheGraveyardGallery They're NOT accepting preorders.
  20. Why? Those markings never appeared in the TV show, did they?
  21. I'm actually shocked by the difference between paint jobs... Roy's VF-1S looks perfect, consistently dirty and realistic. Hikaru's VF-1J looks like a goth vampire painted it up for Halloween. I wonder how consistent these weathering jobs turned out... Did all Roy's look as good as this one, or did it depend on who was doing the work? Did all Hikaru's look as bad as this one, or was it just the "luck of the draw?"
  22. No, I'm sure by "the one where Earth was destroyed and the heroes are chased around by migraine inducing CGI spaceships" he's describing Titan AE.
  23. Or, rather than watching some fan's reaction to a (poorly-written) article about Doomcock's video, you could just watch the video itself.
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