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Everything posted by tekering

  1. I enjoy building and photographing dioramas, at a variety of scales.
  2. Found it on Amazon. Looks great, Kamina!
  3. Glad to hear it!
  4. Are those from the pilot?
  5. Some of us collect more than just the toys, Akim.
  6. Plastic becomes harder and more brittle as it gets cold. Try warming up the head with a hair dryer, enough to soften up the plastic so the joint is a little more flexible.
  7. Yeah, but those designs never actually got depicted in the animation... perhaps because they simply ran out of time to incorporate them. You'll notice the date on that lower sketch -- July 22nd, 1983 -- was a mere ten weeks from Mospeada's broadcast premiere, October 2nd. They must have been well into animation production by that point, and yet they were still finalizing designs...? It's incredible that Mospeada ended up looking as good as it did, really, particularly considering how poor some of the later Macross episodes turned out (having been broadcast earlier that same summer). The mecha, characters, and backgrounds were all more consistently drawn and animated for Mospeada than they had been for Macross. Mind you, Macross DYRL was released a mere nine months later, and made everything else look like crap by comparison. What a time that must've been to be an anime fan in Japan!
  8. Yeah, but the entertainment press aren't going to consult Trek fans, much less do their own research; some of them can't even be arsed to string a coherent sentence together. Or, you know, let Quentin Tarantino make a Star Trek film.
  9. That's the influence of all the other European languages, of course, with their contradictory spellings and unique phonemes; if you research the etymology of "decal," it turns out to be a French abbreviation, which explains the inconsistent pronunciation. Those of us unfamiliar with the French term are likely to read the word based on English phonetics, so we've got it wrong... but if enough people make the same mistake long enough, we end up with new pronunciations like "Paris" (completely different from the proper French pronunciation) that become established as unique for that language. Japanese is full of these ignorant mistakes becoming full-fledged Japanese words, with consistent meanings and pronunciations existing separate from their original English roots. He doesn't watch the shows often, but @jenius knows what he's talking about.
  10. That was always the Invid's Achilles' heel: they ignored any mecha or ordinance that didn't pose an immediate threat to them. Functional weaponry was left abandoned on battlefields and crash sites across the Americas, so all it took was a little salvaging to procure whatever was required, be it missiles, ride armor, even variable fighter craft. The only thing they ever paid attention to was HBT, and even that could be stolen in sufficient quantities.
  11. In this case, no. I'm not wanting or hoping for an MP Galvatron, any more than I want a new Starscream. Once "Thomas" is out, and my Menasor is complete, I'm done; I've got definitive third-party versions of every significant character now, and I like them better than what TakaraTomy has been producing of late. There's no way they could top "Sovereign." That's just stupid. Their allocation system is fundamentally broken. That's absurd. Their distribution system is even more fundamentally broken.
  12. That much was obvious from the start. That's a sound assumption, based on a clear understanding of how English phonics are applied to foreign words... but obviously isn't applicable to Japanese romanization. In fact, most Japanese have such a shockingly poor understanding of English phonics that a significantly different system of romanization had to be developed -- by an American, in fact -- just so foreigners would be able to parse the sounds. Unfortunately, over a century later, most Japanese are still unfamiliar with it. But that's the correct pattern, isn't it? pedal - metal - decal - dental - petal - mental Phonetically, all these vowel sounds should be pronounced exactly the same. How would you justify a different pronunciation, based on that spelling?
  13. Keep your expectations in check... This is merely a continuation of the deplorable Prime Wars Trilogy, with the same showrunner and cast. It's unlikely to be any better, just because Netflix is funding it.
  14. Based on the "Legioss" romanization, you mean? If you want to apply English phonetic rules, then I agree with your pronunciation... but you're deliberately mispronouncing the name, just because of the spelling. Wait... you're deliberately mispronouncing this name despite the spelling? Now you're contradicting yourself. The only way to be consistent is to follow Japanese pronunciation (or just use the Robotech nomenclature). It's foolish to try and pronounce "Fuke Eroze" as it would be read in English, simply because of the romanization; we know better, because it's not an English name. Similarly, the Brough Superior is an English motorcycle, and the Japanese bastardization "blowsperior" is wrong. We know better, because it's an English name. Now there's some wiggle room there, based on impoverished Japanese phonetic pronunciation: I consider "Invid" and "Inbit" to be equally accurate transliterations, and there's no significant difference between "Brough" and "blow" in Japanese, just as "Stig" and "stick" would sound the same. However, we know Stig is a common Scandinavian name, whereas a stick is merely an object... just as we know Raymond is commonly shortened to Ray, and that "Ley" is another obvious misspelling. These mistakes are due to Japanese ignorance and apathy, and we know better. Another excellent point! If Japanese marketing had decided to spell it "Reggaeos" instead of "Legioss," we wouldn't even be having this conversation. There are so many blatant errors in romanization, it's pointless to insist on English phonetic readings. We have to apply a consistent standard of some kind... and shouldn't it be based on the show itself? My intention was merely to provide @jenius with the constructive criticism he'd asked for. I respect his choice to pronounce it however he likes... but he knows it's wrong.
  15. Who needs to read katakana? They say it, like, a hundred times in the show... Don't you guys actually watch Mospeada? Exactly. If you can't figure out Japanese phonetics, just use the pre-established English name. And yet, you're such a stickler for those made-up mecha stats... I LOVE this idea.
  16. To be fair, it wasn't Spike's idea, nor even his script... It was an Oliver Stone film called The Last Tour, and it only featured one black guy. The racial perspective Lee brought to the film elevated the material a great deal, but it was still hamstrung by the original structure... and the inevitable ending.
  17. I was honestly expecting to see Galvatron 1.0 before Starscream 3.0...
  18. Well, you still keep saying "Lee-jee-ohs" instead of "Legg-ee-ohs," but I guess you'll never learn how to pronounce that properly.
  19. You might want to take that Guld figure out, rather than leaving him against the seat; the PVC plastic is known to react with the paint on the figure -- and that of the painted seat -- and you may find Guld stuck to the seat before you know it. Trying to remove him afterwards will likely cause damage to both painted surfaces. Best to just leave him in the box, if you're planning on posing the YF-21 in flight.
  20. Is that what you youngsters are calling it? Those of us left behind called it the 'snap.'
  21. Does this make me one of your "great people?"
  22. Even if that production number is true, that's a ridiculous assumption to make; only two of the five models produced were ever depicted with SSPs in the animation. That's an even more ridiculous assumption. Do you really think Bandai assumes collectors will want a set of SDFM SSPs and a set of DYRL SSPs for every DX VF-1 they own?
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