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Everything posted by tekering

  1. That seems a rather minor issue to concern yourselves with, compared to the scale issue with Kong (who was barely a hundred feet tall in Kong: Skull Island)...
  2. Any wild theories as to why they're calling it "Alternative Universe" Optimus?
  3. It's just fandom slang for the mass-production Valkyrie units, the brown-and-ivory color scheme most VF-1As have in the animation. It stands for "cannon fodder."
  4. You guys are killin' it with those poses! Today was such a beautiful day, I went shopping downtown and took a few pictures...
  5. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    It's much worse than that, since he'd have to commission somebody to build them; he has neither the time nor the skill to paint and assemble one (much less three!) himself. Mind you, it appears the "Fokker Army" display is battroid-only, which is imminently practical. Well, I see no mention of the tiny 1:144 Tomytec Macross Modelers version: It comes with parts for all three modes, and it's completely pre-painted.
  6. I wonder if we'll be able to see this in Japanese, with English subtitles...? Depending on the dialogue (and the delivery), it might be preferable. The Star Wars prequels, for example, are a helluva lot better in Japanese.
  7. BBTS has 'em up for pre-order as well. I sure hope this line does well, and we get a lot more X-Men movieverse figures in the pipeline. Hasbro, MAFEX, Bandai, Revotech, Hot Toys... you name it, they're all over the MCU characters, but the X-Men films have been basically ignored for years.
  8. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Can't wait to see that pic! I use my eyes. If it an't pitch black with the lights out, my Valks ain't goin' in there! Yeah, that sounds unreasonably uncooperative of them.
  9. The product is still six months from release, listings continue to sell out in minutes (regardless of price), yet they refuse to offer you a refund on your pre-order? They haven't got a leg to stand on... I can't fathom why they're even fighting you on this.
  10. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Absolutely. You've gotta maintain a strict zero-tolerance policy with sunlight. You're gonna need more Fokkers, then. Structurally, no... Aesthetically, yes.
  11. At that scale, labors would be tiny; as small as any of Bandai's Robot Spirits or Hi-Metal R toys. Unless they come pre-painted and tampographed, there's no way they'll look that good.
  12. Surely we can count on Bandai to finish out a line, right? Right? I mean, it's not like Bandai's gonna leave money on the table... ...right?
  13. I think piracy may be the biggest issue. Most Star Trek fans are tech-savvy enough to, say, .torrent shows they don't want to pay for... I suspect the number of paid subscribers is just a tiny margin of the actual number of viewers.
  14. Keep in mind, Masterpiece Starscream is a 1:72 scale jet... and a Leader-sized robot. But, those hands are clearly pinned... You'd have to swap out the whole arm at the bicep joint.
  15. Mad Max, The Road Warrior, and Fury Road. It's the perfect scale for a robust action figure and vehicle line.
  16. Zeta did a decent job with "Catapult," their Masterpiece Slingshot: Rotating vector thrust nozzles, starboard-mounted refuelling probe, even the way the cockpit canopy opens... Oh, and it transforms, too.
  17. Well... damn! Autobot cars, to be exact... I mean, most of them... Yeah, but we need some shorthand to describe their relative robot mode scales, and the Autobot deluxe cars are the most consistent measure... So Masterpiece is expressed at 1:32 scale, CHUG is 1:35 scale, Studio Series is 1:40 scale, etc. This is never going to apply evenly to alt. modes, of course. I'd like to think so, but... Hasbro has proven otherwise on too many occasions to overlook. I assume nothing with them.
  18. That's even assuming Studio Series figures from the '86 film would be to scale with Earthrise figures... 'cause they certainly haven't been so far. Going all the way back to Classics, the so-called CHUG scale has been a fairly consistent 1:35th. Compare Sideswipes, for example: Universe, Siege, Earthrise, even the Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon deluxes have been equal in robot height and alt. mode wheelbase. But then comes Studio Series Sideswipe: Considerably smaller, just as all the Studio Series releases have been compared to Deluxe-class figures of the last fifteen years. In order to maintain a greater scale-accuracy across the line, most characters that received Leader-class figures in previous lines are Voyager-class in Studio Series, and the smaller characters have been equally downsized to account for it. The alt. modes hew closer to 1:40, which definitely won't scale properly with Siege/Earthrise figures (or the CHUGs that preceded them). Has their been any indication that non-Bayverse characters in Studio Series will buck this trend?
  19. It takes remarkably steady hands to do that kind of detailed work... but I'm disappointed that Timothy didn't fix some of the deficiencies of the sculpt. The missile launchers on the front forks, for example: Mine's far from finished, but that was the first detail I had to fix.
  20. I was hoping for a reissue of RAH Unit 2, rather than a whole new Unit 1 toy at damn near the same scale... Ironically enough, it's my old Tsukada Hobby Unit 2 that's a floppy mess. The damn thing isn't even articulated -- it's just a hollow vinyl figure -- yet it can't handle its own weight at room temperate!
  21. Not just Armo-Fighter, but the other modes as well... I question this assumption, simply because (as Guyffon noted) it's so accurate to the original design; much more so than any previous toy, in fact. While Sentinel's ride armor demonstrates several significant departures from the '83 model sheets, their Legioss does not.
  22. You can't consider anything to be accurate if it's published in English, since the English version of Mospeada is, er, umm, Robotech.
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