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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Those guys are owed a public apology for War For Cybertron: Siege. Choosing to employ non-union voice talent insulted their craft and betrayed their legacy.
  2. Most assuredly. Well, I'll be damned... There it is, in black and white. I even have that book! I'd always assumed it was a Matchbox invention, since it never appeared in the animation. We must always be prepared to challenge our assumptions, regardless of how many decades we've held onto them... especially those Robotech has propagated. "One does not care to acknowledge the mistakes of one's youth." The same book illustrates considerable customization, however; at the very least, the head and chest are significantly different.
  3. I thought that was something Matchbox made up... It sure didn't come from any Southern Cross Bioroid design.
  4. That little detail speaks volumes, doesn't it? That's how much Michael Bay cares about the film franchise he created. That's why the only good Transformers film was directed by Travis Knight.
  5. Yeah, that's the Toynami head. I don't know why they didn't use the Beagle sculpts. Comparison pics by @jenius
  6. No, that's part of the space retrofitting they designed for later in the series... Remember when they launched an attack against the flagship in orbit? It was never an issue in the animation.
  7. If they've reached the prototype stage, is it safe to hope these figures may actually come out? Their Discovery line died in infancy...
  8. Nice composite... It's almost convincing.
  9. Both the wires and the beams are a major obstacle, no doubt about it! I was hesitant at first, but I've seen absolutely no indication of bugs of any kind up there in over five years. The miniature rubble from the Godzilla diorama in my classroom turned out to have little bugs living inside it, however... There were hundreds of tiny holes chewed into the foamcore base. Please do! I could really use more display space... and the missus would prefer a house without all the windows boarded up. She prefers natural sunlight. I think a divorce is imminent.
  10. No, the series was broadcast from January 12, 1998 to December 26, 1999. During that two-year period, they ran the first 60 episodes three times concurrently, omitting Mospeada entirely each time.
  11. You should consider a glass showcase to keep your toys clean. That Valkyrie is positively filthy.
  12. Yeah, Slave IV knows I'm a facetious bugger. I've actually never been able to accept a toy on its own merits; even as an elementary school student, I nerd raged over G1 Transformers, that never looked anything like those cool robots on TV. Now, I'm much more upset that we never got a toy, model kit or action figure with the VF-1JS hybrid head from DYRL.
  13. Yeah, that's a virgin YF-21. Congrats, Alex.
  14. The third-party scene in China is incredibly competitive. I'm sure they wanted to show up 3A with a Prime that was practically identical, actually transformed, and significantly cheaper to boot. I'm just amazed the product made it to market, despite the public embarrassment they caused Hasbro...
  15. I hear you, man; I used to be the same way. Life was so much easier in elementary school. Now, back to the nerd rage: Why the hell don't my VT-1 toys have VTOL jets sculpted into the nosecone, like we all know they're supposed to?!
  16. Between the human figure scales, the Mobile Suit scales, and the battleship scales, the toys, the model kits, and the action figures, the modern stuff, the SD stuff, and the retro stuff, there's just no way of organizing Gundam. I've got stuff in storage in the attic, in pieces in the workshop, on display in the toy rooms, boxed up in the closets, and even stashed in bins on the balcony. It's all over the place. My collection of Macross merchandise is mercifully small by comparison.
  17. No apologies necessary, man. We're all geeks with fragile egos here, and we just love to correct each other.
  18. That's 'cause Bandai just applied the VF-1D TV colors to their HMR VT-1. Oh certainly, Yamato's 1:60 was a lot closer to the movie color... ...but I think they must've gotten confused by the funky lighting present in the irradiated Earth sequence, and tried to incorporate some of that wine red as well. Do you remember Do You Remember Love? Sometimes, I wonder if you toy collectors actually watch anime.
  19. I would wait for the rumored "Premium Finish" reissue. I'm hoping Arcadia corrects the orange.
  20. Even the voice could be dubbed by a sound-alike. It's not particularly distinctive. YouTube parodies have already suggested as much.
  21. Nah, I imagine it just got jostled around too violently in the tray; there's nothing securing it in place, after all. I can't imagine it happens very often, though. Did it come from ShowZ, @RedLion?
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