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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Yamato's 1:60 VF-1J.
  2. My DX TV Supers arrived this morning. Somebody asked about the differences in armor...? Sorry, these quick-and-dirty pics will have to suffice for now.
  3. I never would've expected to hear the voice of Bart LaRue on Discovery, but I'm pleased to say it confirmed my suspicions from last week's episode.
  4. Why couldn't Bucky be Black Panther? He spent a lot more time in Wakanda than Falcon...
  5. It's frakkin' fantastic. I've never owned such an evocative figure. Look at this pathos! And the balance is unreal! I think the Shinji figure's a tad on the small side, though... But enough opinions; let's make some objective comparisons. That's the Real Action Heroes reissue on the left, and the old Tsukuda Hobby vinyl figure on the right... and as you can see, the Dynaction is distinctly less purple than the others. The Dynaction can meet-or-beat any pose the RAH is capable of, and balances much, much better... although I'd have to say I still prefer the RAH aesthetically. The Dynaction's a helluva lot more fun to play with, though! Yeah, but they're lighter than the gums: The Dynaction just has unpainted plastic for the inner jaw, which makes the teeth difficult to distinguish from the gums. That's why I'm gonna have to paint 'em. This is Evangelion we're talking about, isn't it? "Very wrong" and "almost gross" are par for the course.
  6. Filmmaker and exhibitor Michael Moore expresses his thoughts: https://anchor.fm/rumble-with-michael-moore/episodes/Ep--144-Cinema-Saves-The-World-encrt8
  7. It's those damned binary suns. Look how badly Owen, Beru, and Obi-Wan aged between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Yeah, that armor looked totally wrong on Temuera Morrison. No, this is only a few years after Return of the Jedi.
  8. Yeah, they're Imai figures, from their Macross 15th Anniversary line. They're about 1:24, which doesn't really scale with anything else SDFM... I have a set for sale, if anyone's interested.
  9. Nah, I never much cared for the Razor Crest design to begin with... and it's already had more time onscreen than practically any other ship in the franchise, save the Ghost. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce a much cooler design for Mando to trash (and Hasbro to milk).
  10. I think you may have confused The Mandalorian with The Rise of Skywalker. THAT felt like lousy fanservice. "The Tragedy" felt like the work of talented filmmakers who know their audience. Wouldn't that suggest there was too much script for a 30 min. episode? I have to agree with you there. I was equally dismayed by the inconsistency.
  11. Not at all, man! Constructive criticism is always much appreciated. I've been using my iPhone 7 since my digital camera died... and I think the iPhone camera's actually better.
  12. Ground crews have already been dispatched.
  13. Amazon took their sweet time shipping my DX Roys, but Sempai's bird is finally in the hangar.
  14. So, seven episodes into Season 3, Michael Burnham has finally returned to her position as Center of the Universe. Only she can get the information she needs to solve the mystery of The Burn. Only she can return the Federation to its former glory. Only she can propel the plot. Credibility is further strained by the very strong suggestion that, in subsequent episodes, Michael and co. will prove the Vulcans wrong about their scientific conclusions. It seems the 23rd century Discovery crew will prove superior to 32nd century Vulcan science. "Oh yes, Mr. Fibonacci. Please use your 12th century math to demonstrate how Einstein's theory of relativity is a miscalculation. I'm sure your abacus is up to the task." Don't even get me started on Tilly's promotion...
  15. The best thing about The Last Jedi is how securely it wraps up the storyline, without leaving any lingering plot threads... you can satisfactorily end on that note, without needing to rely on The Rise of Skywalker for closure. Say what you will about TLJ -- yes, it's a train wreck -- but it's a damn sight better than the dumpster fire of TROS. In fact, this week's episode of The Mandalorian simply left me thinking "how can Disney be capable of this quality, when they bungled the sequel trilogy so badly?"
  16. I hear that... but "Koot" has significantly better proportions than XTB's. Really? Hasbro's Kup is the only SS'86 figure I couldn't justify pre-ordering... That face is inexcusable.
  17. I hope Daisy Ridley continues to get decent roles; I'd like to see her career go in the direction of Harrison Ford's, rather than Carrie Fisher's. Tom Holland seems to be doing well, but will he forever be saddled with that American accent...?
  18. Best bit, hands down: It's just a shame they couldn't get more of the original cast to do voices, though. I mean, the Clone Wars mainstays were there (and Billy Dee's nothing to sneeze at), but they couldn't get Mark Hamill? Robot Chicken had Mark Hamill! Also, I'm disappointed Rebels got ignored.
  19. Oh? Does Warhammer 40k also feature a Federation starship "seed vault" in service for over a thousand years?
  20. They're just scaled-down versions of the Megahouse ride-armor -- complete with the awkwardly high shoulders and stupidly small tires -- so naturally, there's no Houquet (since Megahouse never made her).
  21. I didn't mind Trapper Wolf's brief cameo at the end of Chapter 6, but I was not expecting him to be back in Chapter 10... However, I'm always delighted to see a voice-actor from The Clone Wars get to portray their character in live-action.
  22. That would certainly fit their MO. We know from Southern Cross (which they put into production immediately after Mospeada) that they tended to rush these shows through development in those days, and that half-formed and incomplete ideas sometimes made it into actual production scripts. However, I suspect it's more likely that the series was designed and produced from model sheets without physical measurements established, and that concrete stats were only made up after the fact for merchandising purposes.
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